Polarize - Josh Dun - Twenty One Pilots

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You hadnt seen Josh for a month since he's been on tour. You and josh had been dating for about a year and a half now.

You had your parents staying at your house for the weekend.

"Hey can I just go out and get some fast food or something?" You ask

"Yeah sure honey" your mum says

"Right I'll be back soon then" you say and grab your keys off the bench and walk out the door

+++ 10 minutes later +++

You decided just to go to the local Chinese place and get some food. You ordered a while ago and was waiting when your phone started ringing. Mum.

"Hey y/n there's a surprise for when you get home"

"Oooh what is it?"

"that would ruin the surprise now wouldnt it?"

"Can i have a hint?" You ask

"Ok. Hint: you love them"

"Ok well i got to go the foods ready. I'll be about twenty minutes. love you"

"Righto bye"

You get food, get in your car and drive home

"IM BACKKKKK" you call as you open the door and walk in, leaving to food on the dining room table

"Yo where are you guys?"

"in the loungeroom" you dad says

You walk into the loungeroom to see your beautiful boyfriend Josh having a conversation with your parents. You gasp and he pushes himself out of the lounge and and holds his arm open for a hug. You run and jump into his arms and bring him into a passionate kiss.

"my god I missed you so much babygirl!"

"Joshua, I missed you more"

"No way, all I could think about was you 24/7"

"Aww thats why I love you Josh" you say and kiss him again

"I love you too y/n. Wow I didn't think it was possible but you've gotten even more beautiful" he smiles a goofy smile and kisses your forehead

"Aww young love" mum says with a sigh

"Well dinners on the bench" you say

"Great what is it?" dad asks

"Chinese. You staying for dinner baby?" You ask

"Im staying for two weeks!" He smiles

"Yay plenty of time to tell me how it was and how fun it was without me" you laugh

"and we've got a lot of kissing to catch up on" he says putting his arm around you

"Well lets say we start now" you suggest

"I'd love too" he brings you into another sweet kiss

"Hey you two love birds. Dinner. now" dad says

"Aww ok" you laugh again. you take Joshs hand in yours and walk out to the dinner table.

"Im sitting next to Josh!"

"Ok sweetie"

You sit next to Josh and eat dinner

+++ after dinner +++

"So you liked the tour?" Your dad asks Josh

"I loved it. The sights were great and all but they werent quite as beautiful as y/n" he says and reaches for your hand under the table

"God you guys" your dad laughs

"Well, Josh I assume you're tired from touring so did you wanna sleep?" Your mum asks him

"Can I help with anything?" He asks

"Nah I'm sure we'll be right"

"Mum-" you start

"No you dont have to clean up tonight" she says

"Thanks mum goodnight"

"Night sweetie"

"Goodnight guys" josh says

"Night Josh great to see you" your dad says and you and josh walk to your room.

"Man I love you josh"

"I love you more"

"Wanna start catching up on all that kissing we missed?" You ask with a smile

"You bet" he says and pulls down the covers

"I missed falling asleep in your arms" you say

"I missed holding you in mine"

He turns off the light and you both get into bed and cuddle up under the covers

"How about I put the TV on" you suggest and reach over Josh for the remote.

"I know I said this already but you're so pretty"

"And you're so hot" you smile, kissing his forehead and cuddle back up, turning on the TV

"There's nothing on" you sigh and look at josh.

"I dont think i have ever been more in love with someone" He curls a finger underneath you chin

"I never felt loved until you came along baby" you say and he leans in slowly and kisses you. That kiss ended up being a make out session

"Josh" you say after a while

"Yeah baby"

"I'm tired asf" you yawn

"Me too babygirl"

"I love you"

"I love you too Goodnight" he says and kisses you again holding you in his arms with your head against his chest. Soon you both fell asleep


This one was a bit short oops

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