Chapter 4

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It was real uncomfortable to ride with Thorin, it felt like he didn't like me, at all. Gilly on the other hand was having the time if her life with Fili and so I was happy for her. My brother was uncomfortable with being on a horse and he tried to have us go back for a handkerchief. I heard Gilly giggling again so I looked back, she was smiling and talking with the boys. She made eye contact with me and we stuck our tongues of at each other.

Finally we stopped for lunch and I hopped off the pony without Thorin's help. I stretched and popped my back. Gilly ran up cheerfully, I yawned and rubbed my eyes.

"Man I'm starving," she chirped.

"Well, I'm not hungry so I'm gonna take a cat nap under that tree," I said pointing to a tree that was a short distance from the company.

"You sure?" she asked.

"You need to eat though," Bilbo said as he walked up.

"I'll eat at dinner, I'm tired," I said. Bilbo and Gilly exchanged glances and then went to eat. I grabbed my pack and leaned against the tree, I put the bag in my lap and basked in the tree's warmth and eventually drifted to sleep.
I stared at Annie and sighed, something was wrong. And I really hoped she wasn't getting depressed. That thought wiggled into my mind and wouldn't leave, I looked down at my toes and sighed. I knew that it was my job to keep her happy, and so far my efforts were failing. Sighing again, I turned and went to go sit and think.
"Gilly? What is the matter?" Bofur came up and sat next to me. I hunched my shoulders and rubbed my hands together awkwardly. Bofur sighed and gave me a hug, "she will be okay Gilly." I nodded and he let go of me as Fili walked over and growled at bofur. Reluctantly, bofur let go and shuffled away as Fili took his place. "I don't like him getting that close." He admitted and handed me a bowl of soup. "Already possessive, eh?" He huffed and glared as I laughed.
"Why was he hugging you anyway?" He gruffed in annoyance. I sighed and pointed to Annie who was now asleep under the nearby tree. " I just really want her to be happy." I huffed. Fili stared down at me and then sat down at my side, holding me close he whispered, " it's going to be okay. You being sad probably won't make her happy." He remarked and I smiled at him. " Not only is the prince handsome, he's smart as well." I teased and Fili chortled and kissed my cheek. My face heated up and I hid my head in my hands, " aww my little Gilly is not only beautiful, but bashful as well?" He taunted and I started laughing hard. He had cheered me up and now I was falling deeper in love with him.
The sound of my loud laughter rang throughout the camp, and everyone smiled and laughed as well. Fili finally calmed me down and lifted a spoonful of soup to my mouth. "Eat up Gilly, I hope you have an appetite now." I slurped the spoonful and he took it away so I could eat normally without his assistance.
Slowly but surely the sun began to go down, and we were ordered to make a fire. Fili, kili, and I went off and found some wood, and as we returned I heard an ungodly noise rippling through the air.
I froze and whimpered, " Was that what I think it was?" Kili nodded as we put down the firewood and Fili made a place for us to sit. Before I joined them though, I went to check on Annie.
As I rounded the tree next to her, the sound happened again and I shuddered. "Annie?" I looked into the dark for her, "Annie? Time to get up." No response but I heard snoring to my left. I tripped over something and landed next to her. My contact with the ground woke her and she stared at me wide eyed.
"Good lord Ellie, you scared me!" I huffed out a laugh and I got up sore. My back was beginning to hurt from riding the pony. "Oof." I stiffened and twisted my back a little. "Alright Annie, let's go over to camp." I ordered and pulled her up. She groaned in protest but was eventually on her feet as we clambered back to camp. When we got there, I saw bilbo cowering in the corner as Fili and kili laughed at him. I rolled my eyes as thorin majestically walked past us to brood next to the cliff. Annie left my side to go over to bilbo and I returned next to the boys.
Fili, out of nowhere, picked me up and plopped me down in his lap. I giggled and cuddled with him as Balin told us the tale of the Moria orcs, and of Azog the defiler. When he finished bilbo asked, "and what of the pale Orc? Is he still alive?"he innocently questioned. And mr. High and mighty strode back over to his seat saying, "that filth died of his wounds long ago." Fili looked at him sadly and then lowered his gaze down to me. He smiled and started combing his hands through my hair, it felt amazing and I shuddered at the touch.
"Do you want me to braid your hair Gilly?" He murmured and I answered, "yes, please." He nodded and began to braid my curls. Fili did two fishtails on either side of my head and then clasped them together with a bead from his own hair. He turned me around and I ran my hands over the braid and smiled at his smirking face. I suddenly felt the urge to kiss him, but I was too shy and everyone was looking and- Fili cut my thought process off by pressing his lips to mine softly. I melted into the kiss and kissed back, then I heard everyone laughing and making kissy faces. Fili laughed as I hid my bright red face into his tunic and he wrapped his hands around me.
The company was still laughing and I started laughing as well. Fili and kili were already roaring with laughter and I looked up at fili's perfect face and giggled as he tried to compose himself, but was failing badly. Kili looked over at me and made a kissy face at me and I cackled.
Annie and Bilbo were already trying to sleep by the time the laughter died down. I peered over and yawned, making Fili yawn as well. "I'm tired."I admitted and he set me down on the sleeping mat and joined me. He yawned into my hair and snuggled with me to where his chin rested on top of my head. I purred and wrapped his hand around me and slowly drifted into sleep.
I was already tired when Gilly woke me up, but now I was having to force myself to stay awake. I heard laughing and turned my sleep head to face them. It was the whole company laughing at Gilly and Fili, I smiled at them and yawned. And as I fell asleep, I thought of how happy I was for her.

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