Chapter 20

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My eyes slowly opened as the sun poured from the windows onto my face. A slow groan left my lips and I shifted a little on the hay bed.

Fili was next to me, curled up into my side. I glanced at him and shuffled closer into his form, he smiled in his sleep and pulled me closer until our faces almost touched.

"Hello sleeping beauty." I purred and kissed his nose. Fili opened his eyes slightly and hummed happily as we cuddled. He leaned in and was about to close the space between us when-


I heard a sickening crack from outside. I immediately sprang up and ran out the great doors to investigate, Fili was behind me grumbling about "this always happens". Whatever that meant.


Another crack rang through the air and I picked up my pace, this led to me running smack into Annie.

"Oh Annie! I thought something happened to you!" I shrieked and held her close. She just laughed and waved me off. We both sat up and dusted ourselves off.

"I'm okay Gilly, look," she pointed, "I have beorn with me." She proclaimed and I eyed the huge man up and down.

He was awfully hairy and sweaty, I looked down to his hands. He was chopping wood, so that's what the sound was!

"But you are alright, right?" I asked worried.

"Of course," she responded.

Annie's POV:

Gilly still looked at me funny, her face was contorted in concern, "honest Gilly, I'm fine. I actually feel quite content," I reassured her.

"Alright," she said unsure.

Then she went of with Fili to wake the others. Beorn went to Gandalf who was now awake.

I felt the small presence of a sickly kitten in the corner. it's soul cried out to me. so is went and found it, I cradled it in my arms. it's eyes were goopy and nose was running. it was frail, compared to its healthy siblings.

"I've tried everything," Beorn's voice said behind me, "nothing works on her. She is just about to meet death, but I've given her herbs to soothe the pain. she'll pass peacefully."

I looked down sadly at the little kitten, she was black an white. I furrowed my eyebrows and my chest swelled in stubbornness, "no."

I waved my hand slowly over her, reaching deep and feeling for life. Forcing it to grow and be bright. My hand glowed green and the kitten began to look much healthier. I jumped up and ran to find a wet rag. then I cleaned the gunk from her eyes and nose.

She opened her little eyes to show shining blue orbs and I smile, "how did you do that?" asked Beorn shocked.

"How indeed?" Gandalf asked.

"Instinct," I shrugged.

"You just saved a kitten with no training," Gandalf said with an eyebrow raised.

"Her name is Monster ad I would like to keep her if that's alright," I said stubbornly as I held the kitten to my chest.

Gandalf raised and eyebrow but nodded anyway, Beorn agreed as well making my heart soar.

I immediately turned on my heel and ran to tell Gilly. "Gill! Gilly!" I called and ran, but I ended up running smack into her again.

That happens a lot.

"Annie! For goodness sake!" I cried as Annie and I tumbled to the ground yet again.

"Girls!" Bilbo scolded from behind us, trying to make us shut up as the rest of the company introduced themselves to Beorn.

"Sorry..." Annie said distastefully and gritted her teeth at her brother.

I giggled a little bit at the scene when I suddenly felt arms wrap around my waist, hoisting me up from the ground.

I glanced up to see Fili, eyes wide with embarrassment due to my fall. "Sorry Fili." I peeped and kissed his nose when I got up.

"Ah, it's okay lass. Please do be careful next time honey." He scolded lightly and rubbed my back warmly.

"Ok you two." Annie said as she got up from the ground. She dusted herself off and plucked her kitten from the ground.

"Gilly, Fili, this is monster." Annie introduced us to her kitten. It's eyes wandered over us, but quickly turned back to Annie instead.

"I think it likes you." I commented and intertwined my fingers with Fili's.

Annie rolled her eyes and walked away over to Thorin to show off her new pet, so Fili and I had some alone time.

"How are you honey?" I asked and let my eyes wander over his sculpted face. His soft blue eyes met mine as he smiled.

"I'm doing just fine darling. And you?" He asked and rubbed his fingers over my knuckles.

"I'm great, I'm just glad I have you to keep me safe." I returned and Fili smirked happily. He then took my hand and peppered it with kisses.

I giggled happily and took Fili's face into my hands, then kissed it warmly. It was a deep and loving kiss, a bit heated at the end. But Kili groaned at us, making us stop dead in our tracks.

Kili motioned with a slight nod to Thorin, Gandalf, and Beorn. All of them were discussing the journey ahead until Gandalf ended the conversation with a happy smile to Beorn.

"Alright." Gandalf said as he turned to face the rest of the company, "Beorn has offered his ponies as a means of transportation. Everyone saddle up, we move now." He ordered and stamped over to his horse, he climbed up and said, "Beorn will defend us from Azog while he can. In the meantime, we make haste."

I gulped and waddled after Fili to our pony, I got on and Fili followed right after.

If only I knew what dangers we were about to encounter.

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