Chapter Seven

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Watch this I laugh every time when it first says "my demons" and does the thing with Smaug I find it funny.



I was curled up in a ball crying when Bilbo came up, "Annie?" he scurried over and pulled me to him. "I'm so sorry Annie I've just been so worried about you. please tell me what's wrong?"

"I-I-I don't *hiccup* know. nothing feels right, mum and dad are gone. I feel terrible and- and can't sleep because of these nightmares. no one will ever like me because I'm ugly and weird and I hate myself and I don't know why. bilbo, what's wrong with me?"

"Oh Annie, nothing's wrong with you," bilbo cooed.

"Then why am I mad at everyone? and Gilly? she's my sister and I am angry and jealous! Is It because I'm ugly?"

"Now don't be saying that, I'm your twin. if you say you're ugly that means I'm ugly," Bilbo scolded playfully and I giggled.

"There's that smile that I love, I don't understand why such a beautiful woman would think so lowly of herself. why a queen would tear herself apart," said a gruff voice and I stopped mid-tears.

I sniffled and wiped my tears away, "Thorin?"

My brother smiled and pushed me up to him, he held my hands and I blushed. "you make me feel like no one ever has made me feel. and it breaks my heart to see you like this. Annabeth, I love you."

I bit my lip and looked away with tears, "no. you said I was weak and-"

He grabbed my face and pressed his lips to mine. I was shocked and I think bilbo was too. Thorin bit my lip and I gasped as he deepened the kiss.

Bilbo coughed and we broke apart. "now that you are done putting your saliva all over my sister-"

"Quiet Hobbit," Thorin said bright red and I giggled. Bilbo swallowed and Thorin picked me up. With Bilbo following behind we headed towards camp.

When we reached the rest of the company, everyone stared at us. Kili was snickering, as was Fili. But when I saw Fili, I expected to see Gilly at his side. But she wasn't there! I started to worry and called Fili over once we sat down. He came up to me and asked, "Yes Annie?" I replied, "Where is Gilly? I need to speak with her." Fili nodded and said, "She is asleep, I will go fetch her." I huffed as he left and Thorin started to mess with my long brown locks.

"What are you doing Thorin?" he grunted and kept moving his fingers through my thick hair. "That feels good." I chirped and he hummed in response. After a few minutes, guess who came into view? Gilly shrieked when she saw me and bolted over, I got up, much to Thorin's disappointment, and joined her half way. We hit each other and crumpled to the ground. By now I was sobbing and she was holding me tight as everything around us faded.

"Are you okay?!" she whimpered in my ear. I nodded, as I couldn't speak, and we just held each other for a good while, until the boys ripped us apart. Gilly looked over to me as Thorin began to braid my hair again and she laughed. "So, you and Thorin?" She teased and i bit my lip and thought of a comeback. "So, you and Fili?" I barked back and she giggled loudly as Fili plucked her from the ground. Thorin chuckled from behind me and i felt something clasp the ends of my hair together. He handed me the end of the braid and said, "This braid, with my bead in it, shows that you're mine." I blushed and kissed his nose, "Thank you Thorin." His cheeks slowly deepened i color and I laughed. From behind me I could hear Gilly gasping and I saw Fili take her hand and lead her away. What just happened?


I heard Thorin say to Annie, "This braid, with my bead in it, shows that you're mine." I now realized what my braid from Fili might mean and I slowly turned to face him. He was blushing deeply and took my hand and lead me away. "Gilly, do you understand what this braid means now?" I blushed profusely and nodded. He blinked and pulled me close, "Your my little Gillyflower." I giggled slightly and kissed his cheek. We were about to kiss again when Thorin called us over. "Come on, we must get going." He ordered and Fili nodded, then scooped me up and put me onto the pony. "Hullo Rowan, how are you doing?" I talked to our pony as Fili climbed on behind me.

The pony whinnied and bobbed his head, as if he understood me. I giggled and immediately stopped when Thorin and Annie climbed up onto their pony. Annie was much less stiff and they seemed to be much more comfortable with each other as we set off. As I was watching them closely Fili got bored and wanted my attention. "Hey I'm here too." He muttered impatiently and i whipped my head back around. I smirked and fell back dramatically so that i was leaned into his form. "I love youuuuuu."I teased and poked at his mustache beads. Fili laughed, making his mustache beads dance out of my grasp.

Kili groaned from beside us and I snickered at him, "I love you too kili." Kili's head whipped around and he stared at me and blushed furiously. Fili growled at him and he quickly looked the other way. "Do not give him false hope Gilly." Fili advised and kissed my face. I rolled my eyes and laughed at his protectiveness. From ahead I heard Annie chortling as Thorin shook his head. I looked at them and saw a light in Annie's eyes that hadn't been there since her parent's had passed. Bilbo was watching them and was laughing under his breath.

Deep down I felt like this journey was off to a great start.

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