Chapter 23

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Thorin and I were with Dwalin in a prison cell, pacing back and forth trying to help the situation. My hobbit feet scuffed against the stone floors and a sigh of annoyance slipped past my lips.

Poor Thorin sat on the bench beside the door and hung his head in his hands. "Why cruel Mahal?" He pleaded and swung his head in shame.

"I fear that I have caused this mess all by myself." Thorin said shamefully and looked out the door with heavy eyes. The days were growing on him and his strength was failing as he tried to stay awake.

My sweaty hands gripped my dress as I huddled back over to Thorin. "Darling you must rest." I pleaded and dragged him to a space on the floor, he plopped down and rested his head on my lap as I rested against the cold stone wall.

Dwalin sat in the opposite corner, a puzzled look on his face. His fingers were thumping against the floor in a repeated motion, his dark eyes wandering over the rest of the cells.

"Whatever is the matter Dwalin?" I whispered to him, causing his eyes to travel back to me.

"Nothing". He muttered and resumed looking around. His brown eyes seemed to rest on something, (or someone), and soon after a smile crept onto his somber face.


Gilly snuggled against me, her shallow breathing brushed against my face. She still smelt like wild flowers and the open meadow air of the Shire, her hair still curly and ribbons woven in her tresses.

My thoughts began to change as I saw her look up at me. She smiled lightly and clutched my hand with hers, intertwining our fingers she sighed and closed her eyes again.

"Ya know Fili," she spoke quietly, "Even though were not in a safe place, I feel safe with you around." She admitted and smiled when I started to comb my gloved fingers through her hair.

"I feel the same Gilly." I started and began to think of what I was to say. I fumbled with the cold metal in my pocket with my other hand as the anxiety started to creep in.

"Uh G-Gilly." I gulped and sat her upright to face me. She raised an eyebrow worriedly and said, "Are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm ok." I said and gripped her hand. My other hand went feeling into my pocket when I finally started talking.

"Gilly, we've only known eachother for a little while, and I realize this is probably quite the shock... But the scare you gave me in the forest has finally made me realize something." I pulled out the cool ring of metal and held it out to where Gilly could see it. "I can't be without you now that I hold you so dear. I don't wanna loose you... I just want you to know that I love you.. And I want you to marry me." I finished and looked forward into her soft eyes.

Her cheeks turned a bright red as she giggled happily. Tears began to trace down her cheeks and her hands went to cover her bright smile. "Yes!" She answered with joy and pounced on me.

I laughed out loud and pulled her closer. "Now." I said as she sat up, "I know the ring isn't very pretty, but I will get you another one when we get to the mountain." I proclaimed and she shook her head with a smile.

"No Fee, I love it." She admitted and took me in for a kiss. We then separated and looked into each others eyes as the whole company started whooping and cheering. The applause sent Gilly into my embrace, trying to hide from the uproar. I chuckled and took her in as the Company finished the cheers.

Dwalin was the first to cheer, he jumped from his seat and began hooting loudly. I was confused and ran over to the door, peeping out I saw Fili with Gilly. "He finally proposed!" Dwalin cheered and clapped his hands loudly.

I gasped and threw my hands into the air, "Gilly yay!" I screamed and jumped up and down. Even Thorin came over and laughed happily.

Eventually the Elves got angry with us and banged against the doors. "Quiet!" They shouted and demanded we stand down. We all rolled out eyes and followed their orders as they walked away.

Once we were settled I peered over to Gilly, her face snuggled into Fili's chest as they drifted off to sleep. I smiled and then looked back at Thorin, a yawn escaped his lips as he settled back down to rest.

"Thorin, go to sleep." I whispered to him as his form grew soft in the dim light.

"I can't." He said back and sighed in frustration. "Bilbo is missing and he's our only chance!" Thorin groaned and began pacing again.

"Well," I started and looked out the door, "He will most likely be here soon, just rest, it will ease the tension." I advised and took his warm hands in mine.

Thorin tensed but stood down, "A-Alright." He agreed and shuffled into a more comfortable position on the ground. I sat next to him and rested my head on his shoulder.

"I love you." Thorin whispered.

"I love you too." I said back as Dwalin groaned by the door.

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