So you're Solas?

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Cassandra told me that she'll be back in a few minutes to give me a tour of the place. I sat onto the bed and looked around thinking to myself. I got up and went to the window, gazing out of it. The door opened slightly and I turned to see the guy I saw earlier. I looked back towards the window, my heart pounding and I sighed "I'm assuming you're Solas?" I asked turning back to face him. He simply nodded "And you're the new elf in the Inquisition" I nodded "It seems I am. I don't even know why or how. All I did was go for a walk" he laughed lightly "Must have been a far walk if Lileana found you."
I laughed slightly "It was in the Korcari Wilds, I spend a lot of time there" he smiled "I've wanted to visit it but I've never gotten the chance" My eyes filled with shock "Really? Maybe we should go sometime. I mean you not we.... Anyways..." My cheeks heated up and I looked out the window in embarrassment and he laughed "We should sometime. I'll leave you to go on your tour with Cassandra" I nodded and he left the room. My heart started to beat at a normal pace again. Cassandra opened the door and motioned for me to follow her. I walked besides her going into the tavern "This is Heralds Rest, Iron Bull, Sera, and Cole basically live in here" I looked over and saw Iron Bull talking to someone and he looked up and smiled.
"There she is! Mariah come here for a second!" I excused myself away from Cassandra and walked next to Bull "What's up?" I asked and he looked at his friend "I wanted you to meet Krem! He works for me with the rest of my team" I looked at Krem and smiled "It's nice to me you" he nodded "You too. Alright chief, I'm going to go see how the rest of the Chargers are doing" he walked off but I was surprised to hear his voice sound like a girl "He is a she isn't he?" I asked and Bull nodded "Well he's more of a guy but yeah" I nodded "Well he seems like a very nice guy." He laughed "He's one hell of a soldier that's for sure" Cassandra walked over and sighed "Come on we need to show you around" I nodded and waved goodbye to Bull.
We went inside and said hello to Varric then went into the door he was next to. Solas was in there and my heart stopped once again. He smiled at me and I looked away blushing brightly and Cassandra looked at me. She shrugged and looked at Solas "This is Solas but I'm assuming you already know that?" She said in a very questionable tone and I nodded "Y-yeah we um we-" Solas laughed lightly "I was eager to meet her" she looked at him "That's surprising for you Solas. I thought you didn't like the Dalish" he shrugged "I don't, but I make exceptions" my face got slightly brighter and I pulled Cassandra up the stairs . I ran straight into Dorian and he smiled. "Oh good I'm glad I got to see you again before the party" I hid my face in my hands and he laughed "That's cute! She's blushing"
Cassandra laughed "It wasn't just you who made her blush" he looks at her "Oh really? Let me guess! Cole? No, he could never get anyone to blush. Hm... Oh! Varric? No, he doesn't flirt with elfs. Iron Bull? No, he's probably busy punching things... Ok I give up" I looked at him and smacked my forehead "No, Solas made her blush" he looked at me "That's actually really surprising. I'd think he would've been hurtful towards her" she looked at me for a moment before back at Dorian "The weird part is all he did was look at her" I punch her arm "Shut up! I was already blushing... kinda..." Dorian laughed "I wish I was Solas so I can just look at someone and get them to blush."
I laughed slightly "You probably can, Dorian" he shrugs "Maybe, I'm going to work on it" he winked at me and started looking through the books. Cassandra took me back downstairs and into another door. It led outside and there was another door up ahead "I'm not sure if he's in there, he might be out training more troops"Cassandra said looking at me before opening the door. "Oh Cullen! I didn't think you'd be in here" he looked over at us and smiled "Just trying to keep myself busy. We don't have a lot of new recruits these days" she nodded and he looked at me "But I take it we have a new one?" She nodded slightly "This is Mariah. Lileana found her in the Korcari Wilds" he nodded "It's nice to meet you Mariah" I nodded and smiled "it's nice to meet you also, Cullen"
We left and I met Morrigan, Blackwall, Cole, Sera, and Josephine. I went back into my room to get ready for the "party". I sat next to my window, enjoying the view when Morrigan walked in "They told me I am to be in here until they get everything ready." I nodded and looked out the window again "Did you like living in the wilds?" She laughed slightly "You could say that. I met interesting people who got me to leave but I don't regret or miss a second of it" I looked down "It's sad... I couldn't imagine not going back to my home with my clan. I left my little sister to join up with something I didn't even know about but I haven't missed anyone there yet...."

Weeeeell this is a little sad at the end😂I got really bored so that's why this chapter isn't as "good" as the other one. It's pouring where I'm at and my dog is freaking out an omfg is it annoying. I don't even know where my cat is😂😂 but anyway I'll probably have the next chapter up tonight or early in the morning. Have a nice day/night! Bye lovelies💕

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