A walk after dark

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I ate in Herald's Rest with Sera and Iron Bull since they asked me to. I finished the few things I had and got up. I smiled and bid farewell to my two friends and started walking to my room. It was dark but I could still see everything like it was daylight. I turned a corner and stopped seeing Solas standing next to my door. I walked over next to him and smiled "Everything ok?" I asked and he nodded "I wanted to know if you'd like to go on a walk. You've been stressed lately and I want you to forget about all of your worries" I nodded "Sure, that sounds great" he smiled and started walking. I followed close behind him. He'd look over at me every now and then and I'd put my head down so he couldn't see me blush.
He smiled and stopped in the garden. Everything was silent it made me remember my clan. He pulled me over to him and my face quickly heated up. I looked over to the flowers and smiled "Those flowers are gorgeous" he followed my gaze and looked at the flowers. He smiled slightly "I believe Lexus got those from Redcliffe" I looked back at him "I've always wanted to go there" he laughed lightly "You'd probably like it" I smiled and put my head on his shoulder. He sighed "Have you been feeling better?" I nodded and closed my eyes "Yeah I've just been stressed before I got here and I've been more stressed since I've gotten here" he nodded slightly "Anything I can help you with?"
I shook my head "Not that I know of. Dorian's trying but I don't think anything will help with it. But thank you" he nods "Of course" I smiled slightly and sighed when I heard a voice. I looked at Solas for a moment "I guess I should head back to my room. Goodnight Solas" I kissed his cheek lightly and walked back to my room. Dorian opened the door a few seconds after I walked in. He smiled and put a book down in front of me while I was taking my hair down "What's with the book?" I asked and the mage sighed "I told you I'd look for something about the Dread Wolf" I stared at him for a moment "And you actually found something?" I asked and he nodded "Of course! It wasn't that hard. I made Cassandra help me find them though but I didn't tell her why I wanted it" I sighed in relief.
"Was she curious?" He nodded "It's Cassandra, she's always curious" I laughed "That is true. So what did you find?" He sat on the other side of the book and opened it "Well obviously you know it's an Elven God. Well he was known as kin to both the Creators and the Forgotten Ones. His supposed betrayal of both clans of gods by sealing them away in their respective realms, never again to interact with the mortal world-" Dorian continued to talk about the Dread Wolf but all I could think about was Solas. I must have spaced out because I just remember a hand going across my face. "Mariah are you even listening?" He asked and I shook my head "No, not really" he sighed "At least you're being honest"
I laughed "I'm sorry, Dorian. I know you probably went all out trying to find something about it but for some reason all I can think about it Solas. When you started speaking he came to mind" he looks at me "Maybe it's because you just went for a walk with him?" He asked and I shrugged "that's possible" I sighed and put my head on my bed and he put a hand on my back to comfort me. I started mumbling into my pillow "You know I can't hear you when you mumble into your pillow" I looked up at him "That's the point" he laughed "Is it bad? Do I need to leave?" I laughed lightly "No, nothing bad so you don't need to leave" he nodded "Then what's on your mind?" I sighed. I couldn't actually tell him what I was thinking "Nothing, I'm just tired I guess" he nodded slowly "Then I'll let you sleep and we can figure this out in the morning" I nodded and placed a soft kiss on his cheek "Thank you Dorian" he nodded and left the room.
I quickly opened the book and skimmed through. Stopping on a page my heart dropped and I put my face in my hands "Fen'Harel is reputed by the Dalish to continue to interact with elves in their dreams, sporting with them or dispensing dark knowledge at his whim" I threw the book onto the ground and sighed. The book didn't help me understand why my dreams were getting worst. I put my hair up again and looked over to the window. I got up and walk towards it but I stopped half way. I saw what looked like a wolf and it stared at me with loving eyes. The eyes looked familiar but I couldn't understand why. Before I got a better look at it, it vanished and I shook my head. I sighed loudly and went to the window. I stayed there the rest of the night wondering where I've seen those eyes.
The next day I opened the door and walked out with the book in my hands. I ran through the keep and up the stairs to where Dorian was sitting. I sat across from him on the table and he smiled "You're up early" I shrugged "I didn't sleep" his eyes filled with concern and I sighed "Calm down, I'm perfectly fine" he nods slowly and looks at the book "Find anything out?" I shook my head and remembered the thing I saw last night. I gathered my words and looked at him "I-I think I saw him, last night"

This should be fun! Next chapter is gonna be a little sad😂 but I don't really care. It's also gonna be mainly about Mariah, Dorian, and Lexus. Solas won't be around much because Mariah doesn't wanna worry him (little does she know Solas is-) Jkjk I'm not gonna tell you! If you've played the game you'll know😂 I haven't gotten that far but I literally read and watched stuff about it. Anyways I'll have the next chapter up by tonight(?) or tomorrow depending on how fast I finish my homework😂. Have a great day! Bye lovelies💕

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