Chapter 1

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"Morning, Cosmo!" Amy smiled as she walked into her store. "Morning, Emi, I hope you slept well." Cosmo grinned innocently.

"I'm surprised to see you here so early." Amy mentioned to Cosmo. "Really?" She asked. "Yes, I thought you didn't start working until the afternoon?" Almost immediately Cosmo's face went red. "O-oh! I just figured I should get a head start on the day and-"

"You read the time wrong, didn't you?" Amy grinned and put on gardening gloves. "I'm going out back to check on the vegetables."

Amy opened the glass door that lead outside. She carried a basket full of all sorts of tools used for gardening. She placed her basket down and went over to a shed in the corner of the lot. Inside the shed, Amy grabbed larger tools and some fertilizer. She began to hum a sweet tone as she worked.

"It's so peaceful", Amy thought blissfully. Even though it wasn't that early anymore, the sun was just now beginning to peek up along the building tops. She couldn't help but smile at how beautiful it all was.

"This is going to be the absolutely best day ever, I can feel it." Amy smiled as the sun's rays touched the garden.


Sonic was still laying in bed, deciding if he should stay in bed or get up and use the bathroom. "Should I get an actual job?" He thought hesitantly. "It seems to be something Amy really wants." Sonic growled angrily at this. "Why do I need a job? Just to get more money? That I could easily steal! Jobs are a waste of time." Sonic concluded and stared at the ceiling.

"She doesn't mean it. She was just kidding about wanting me to get a job." He sat up and rolled himself out of bed. "If she really wants me to get a job she'll bring it up again and help me look for one." He smirked.

"Time for breakfast", he yawned as he walked out of his room down to the kitchen. Sonic looked around the kitchen for anything to eat. He was a decent cooker, but he knew Amy would be mad if he wasted food by messing up his meal. "Ah Hell, this sucks, what am I going to eat?"

Sonic growled angrily and began his search for food. It wasn't an easy task, but within a mere thirty minutes he had a good breakfast made. Eggs, pop tarts, milk, protein bar, and a banana. It didn't exactly look like a five-star meal, but he wasn't about to argue. After all, he was the chef that made the meal.

Sonic ate his food as the news played on the TV. He wasn't paying attention until a certain house caught his eye.

"The echidna household got broken into yesterday night." Said the newswoman. "Nothing valuable was stolen, but the Master of the household is terribly enraged. Mark is with him now."

The camera switched to a small old mouse standing beside a tall red echidna. "Knuckles, do you have any suspicions of who might have done such a thing? What will happen if you or the police catch them?" The old mouse asked him with a quiet voice; he was barely audible over the microphone. "Whoever broke in, I will be finding them. They have absolutely no chance of escaping my guards and advanced spies." Knuckles said, his posture screamed confidence, and for a second, Sonic actually felt intimidated. However, that was quickly wiped away.

"I will crush this person with all of my power. I will not condone such a crime to come down on my household and not be punished." Knuckles spoke matter-of-factly, already sure he would find the culprit.

"He'll never find me." Sonic smiled and shook his head. "I'm the best thief in history! He'll never get me, not ever." He looked at the screen again, Knuckles was still going on about how he would find the thief. "I'll play his game, though."

He placed the remaining part of his breakfast on the coffee table and stood up. He stretched his back and arms. "Tails!" Sonic yelled upstairs. "Get dressed, and pack our bags, we're going out!"

Hi! How's everyone doing?! Hope you all enjoyed the first chapter! Sorry it's so short. I'm so lazy and legit the first 5 chapters are hard to write. The story really picks up after those, but LORD I'm such a procrastinator. You all can hate on me in the comments. 😂

The other chapters will be updated quicker, or about the same time. Depends on my mood.

Love you guys!

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