Chapter 13

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Amy had woken up in the van, one guard was in there with her, Shadow. "Haven't seen you in a while, how's life?" She asked him weakly. Shadow raised an eyebrow, as if he expected that to be the last words she would say to him.

"Life has been... hard." He said, thinking carefully at each word he said. Before she could reply, he jumped out of the car. "I'll be right back." He told her.

Amy heard a familiar voice outside the van, and opened the vans back doors.  Tikal stood outside, with her hands handcuffed behind her back.

"Wh-What are you doing here?" Amy asked her. Tikal looked up at Amy with a solum face. "I couldn't just let Knuckles get killed by your man." She said, narrowing her eyes. Amy shook her head at her, "Sonic isn't killing him-"

"It doesn't look like that to me!" Tikal spat back at her. "But the guards got me before I could go help Knuckles. Now, we're both going to prison..."

Amy felt sad for her, her husband was getting pounded to death, and then they'd be taken away. "Tikal, I'm-" Before Amy could finish speaking, Shadow grabbed Tikal and pushed her away. "Don't talk to her, Amy. She's dangerous and Sonic would kill me if he found out I let her even speak a word to you." Then he continued on his way to taking Tikal to a cop car.

Amy took a look outside the van. Men laid in stretchers, blood seemed to be everywhere. Images of herself being shot replayed in her head like a movie. Before she knew it, she threw up over the van.

"Woah!" She heard Shadow shout. She felt his hands on her back. "Get back in the van, don't come out until you're told." He told her sternly, but it was too late, her body failed her and she fell out of the van into Shadows arms. "Hey! Someone get a doctor!" He shouted.


Sonic hit Knuckles across the face, blood dripping down from each of their faces. "You... Is that all you've got?" Knuckles spat at Sonic. "Why not just get mad and kill me? It'll all be over." Knuckles taunted him. Sonic wiped blood off of his lip and stood up a little taller. "I don't need him to defeat you." Sonic ran forward, kicking Knuckles against a wall.

"I saw your men hurt Amy! I saw you let them lay their disgusting hands on her! It's your fault!" Sonic punched Knuckles, until he seemed to be barely standing. Then, Knuckles seemed to get a burst of energy. He smacked Sonic to the floor and kicked him down a flight of stairs.

"Shit... My arm..." Sonic tried to put pressure on his arm to stand up, but fell down again. "This is just fan-f****ing-tastic!" Sonic rolled over on his back, dodging one of Knuckles punches. "You are nothing compared to me!" Knuckles shouted at Sonic. "You're weak! I bet that girl doesn't even love you!" He shouted at him louder, and angrier.

"Let me guess, you somehow found yourself at her house, and you fell in love with her." Knuckles kicked Sonic in the gut, causing Sonic to moan in pain. "And in your sick deluded mind she loves you back, she probably has stockholm's! You kept her prisoner until she loved you!"

"No-" Sonic said, before he was kicked again.

"Admit it, you've ruined her life! She doesn't even love you."

"No-" Sonic repeated.

"What was that? 'No?'" Knuckles laughed at him. "You're wrong..." Sonic said, again, trying to stand up. "Amy does love me, and I love her." Sonic put his foot out, causing Knuckles to trip and fall. Sonic rolled over again and held Knuckles down on the ground. "So just shut your mouth! You think I haven't thought about that? Every insult you throw at me, I've heard before!" Sonic yelled in his face.

"You-" Sonic punched him in the right side of his face

"Can't-" Sonic punched him in the left side of his face.

"Win-" Another punch.

"Against-" Another punch.

"Me!" Sonic punched Knuckles in the face so hard his teeth fell out.

At that moment, the doors got kicked down and five guards with guns came into the room. One of them got on top of Knuckles then handcuffed him. "Thank, we've got him now. You might want to go see your wife, she-"

"Amy? What's wrong with Amy?" Sonic asked, and without waiting for an answer ran outside.

He saw two men hop into the van, both carrying some medical equipment. "Amy..." Sonic gasped and ran to the van. "Is she okay?" Sonic asked Shadow, trying to push past him to see Amy. "Yes, she just fainted. She's completely fine now."

"Did you take the poison out? I've done what you asked!"

"...Yes, the poison is gone." Shadow hesitated, licking his lips. Sonic stared at Shadow for a moment. "You hesitated. What's wrong with Amy?" Sonic asked nervously, throwing Shadow out of his way to get to Amy. "Sonic, nothing's wrong with Amy. She just got too scared to handle what was happening around her." He explained to him. "She fainted that's it."

Sonic pat Amy's head, staring worryingly at her face. "Amy... You're okay now, I promise."


Knuckles held Amy by her neck, shaking her. "S-Son-ic..." She gasped, trying to pry Knuckles' hands off her. "Shut up!" Knuckles shouted at her. "Now, Sonic..." Knuckles started to say. "You want her, don't you?" He asked him.

Sonic was on his knees, tears dripping down his face. "Yes, yes...more than anything." He breathed out. Knuckles smirked and dropped Amy to the floor, but grabbed her hair to keep her back. "Ow! It hurts! Help, Sonic, it hurts!" She screamed and cried out. "Stop! Stop it!" Sonic shouted, reaching for Amy, but Knuckles yanked her back.

He grinned and kicked Sonic down. "If you come any closer than that, she dies!" He shouted at him.

Amy looked at Sonic, her hero, crying on the floor. He was weak, he was tired, he wasn't her hero anymore.





How's ur day going?

Mine is jivin

I've been writing and watch CN all day. Woot woot! 👏🏻🙌🏻

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Love ya'll bunches!

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