Chapter 12

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Outside the house were two men, Sonic growled, his fur bristled as he gritted his teeth. "Their in my way!" Sonic immediately saw them as only casualties. He snuck up behind one of the two men and snapped his neck. Quickly, Sonic ran to the next man and snapped his neck too.

Sonic busted into the house. Only a few more came to fight, the others ran away. Sonic killed everything that moved towards him. His only goal was Amy and Knuckles.

Sonic smashed into the door, sending panic throughout the inside of the building. He rammed into it four more times until it finally fell.

Guns were immediately pointed at him. There was a total of five men in the room. Four were on the stairs, one was directly in front of him, he wore a mask. "Get down on the ground!" The man with a mask ordered. Sonic, of course, didn't listen. He snapped the mans neck than ran up to the other man, using them as a shield against other gunshots.

Within a minute, they were all dead.

Sonic went back to his first objective, find Amy. He ran threw every room, kicking down every door. He began to worry when he realized Amy wasn't in the rooms. That's was when he saw the basement door.

Sonic busted down the door, too desperate to wait any longer to get inside the room. He ran down the steps until he saw a cellar door. Sonic opened the door and saw Amy on the floor, unmoving, frozen solid. Fear shot through his body, making him hold his breath as he ran to her.

"Amy?" He fell to his knees and scooped her up in his arms. Sonic at first, was scared to touch her. "What if she's already..." Sonic shut his eyes and touched his forehead to hers. She felt dead when he touched her, Amy's entire body was ice-cold. Sonic put his ear to her chest, wanting to hear her heart beat. Sonic heard it, the slow rhythm of her heart. It was music.

Sonic slowly stood up, careful not to drop Amy. "Don't worry, Amy. I've got you." Sonic walked Amy out of the cellar and tried to warm her up before he went after Knuckles. As he walked, he occasionally rub his hands together and place them on her face. He'd hold her hands to warm them up as well.

Sonic wanted to stay with her. He'd be wasting time taking her to the guards. He could already see how the situation would play out if he brought her to the guards first.

"She'll be okay, won't she?" Sonic would ask Shadow, trying to get a look at her as the doctors would cart her away. "She will be if you bring Knuckles to us." Shadow would tell him. Then Sonic would be racing against the clock to get the antidote in her, when they could easily do it at that exact moment.

Sonic didn't want to be without her for another second. He held onto her body protectively, straining his ears to hear any sound, anything that would threaten Amy.

Sonic paused when he felt Amy stir in his arms. "Amy?" Sonic asked, hope in his voice. He went to his knees and held her upper body up in his arms.

"S-Sonic?" Amy mumbled, still not moving an inch. "Oh, Amy, I'm here, I'm here. I'll take care of you-"

Amy's eyes opened up, but only a little, she looked at him through slits. She moved her hands to his cheek, wiping blood off. "Sonic... Please, please stop killing people. I don't... don't like it." She shut her eyes and turned her face away. "Amy?" Sonic asked again. "Amy!" He shouted. "You're scaring me, Sonic." Amy said, but it was barely audible.

"Wh-What? Amy, I-"

"I won't look at you if you're like this."

Sonic was completely confused by this. "Why would she be telling me this now?" Sonic thought, gritting his teeth out of worry. "She must be out of it."

"Amy, I'm gonna-"

Amy started to struggle against him. "No! No! Let me go!" She screamed. "Help!" Sonic held her wrists down to the ground. "Snap out of it, Amy!" Sonic shouted at her. "It's like she's in a heat stroke... Except she's freezing!"

Sonic wrapped his body around hers. "Shh...shh..." Sonic said into her ear. Without realizing it, he, himself, was also calming down. It took five minutes until Amy was completely calm again.

All of a sudden, the hallway was filled with the loud footsteps of guards. Guards came pouring into the rooms and hallways all over the building. One of the groups of guards found Sonic and Amy. Inside the group was Shadow. Sonic held Amy close as Shadow pushed to the front and saw Sonic.

"Knuckles found out about Eggman's plan and is on a riot in town, you take care of him. Our guards will cover you."

Sonic looked down at Amy. "But, I can't just leave her-"

"She'll die, Sonic! And many more will die too!"

Sonic didn't care about the others, but he wanted Amy to live. Sonic picked up Amy and took her outside to where the van was. He held her with him on their way to town.

Sonic jumped out of the van, when they arrived at town. He followed behind the guards, crouching when they did and standing when they did. The man in front signaled that everything was okay and everyone crept towards a bus that had tipped over. "Sonic," came a whisper. "The building over there, go in there, Knuckles is in there waiting for you."

Sonic ran to the door and found that it was unlocked, so he opened it. Knuckles stood at the top of the stairs, holding a shotgun in his hands.

"You think I'd go to prison willingly?" Knuckles laughed maniacally. "You really are stupid! You'll have to kill me before I go to prison!"

"That would've been no problem!" Sonic shouted. "I'd gladly rip your arms and legs off and crush your heart!" There was a small pause between his sentence. "But, you had to go to Eggman! And now Amy's poisoned! I wish I could kill you." He gritted his teeth, staring murderously at Knuckles. "I wish I could take away everything you loved!"

Sonic saw a hint of fear in Knuckles eyes, but then it disappeared. "And I could." Sonic growled at him. "I could find Tikal, I could smash her head in- and it wouldn't affect me or Amy at all!"

Sonic paused again, anger pulsing through his body.

"But Amy doesn't want me to kill, and the order is to bring you back alive. I'll beat you up so bad you truly wish you were dead, though." Sonic shouted at the top of his lungs." I'LL MAKE YOU WISH YOU'D NEVER MET ME!" He added before running up the stairs and tackling Knuckles to the ground.



I'm sorry the chapter was crappy. I could've done better, but this needed to be published today. So... Guess what?

I'm drowning in stress! 👍🏻

I love English class, but my teacher is giving us like 5 projects.


Don't forget to comment a song!

That's all the news I have for you, buh-bye!

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