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After the last agonising act of the play, the heavy red curtain fell and Darrell began sobbing. She had been pelted with scones and jammy buns before the curtain shielded her, and she was a sad sight indeed.

'Did you hear those boos, Alicia? The play was an absolute wreck, and it's all MY fault,' she sniffled, licking some of the jam off her shirt.

Alicia was more enraged than anything. 'How could you even blame this on yourself Darrell, when you know that this whole disaster happened because of the Pi Sisters! Sly little buggers; they weaseled their way into the main roles and then wrecked it on stage! I simply hate them!' she ranted.

'Well, we may know that it was their fault, but the audience certainly didn't! And that's what really matters! Why, even Mummy came up to me and told me it was horrible,' Darrell moaned.

Just then, the curtain blew back a little because of a gust of wind, and the two girls caught a glimpse of the Pi Sisters having a cozy little chat with Mrs. Rivers!

'Why thank you Mrs. Rivers,' Fanny simpered to Darrell's mother. 'I'm afraid your daughter's play wasn't very good, but I managed to salvage it somehow!'

Doris gritted her teeth, remembering Fanny's cunning deception, but smiled at Mrs. Rivers. 'Well, our Daddy is in the artistic field, so perhaps we got our immense talents from him!' she said innocently.

'Oh? What does your Daddy do?' asked Mrs. Rivers with interest.

'He's a rock st- ' began Fanny, before she was jabbed in the ribs by Doris.

'He's a musician at the Abbey. He composes religious hymns,' she said brightly. 'Doesn't he, Fanny?'

'How lovely and respectable!' replied Mrs Rivers.

Alicia's temper heightened after hearing this conversation, and an indignant, hurt look crept onto Darrell's face. It was awful when you heard your own parents betraying you behind your back by praising the enemy!

'Liars,' spat Alicia. 'So this is what they were talking about when they said they wanted revenge.'

'They certainly got it, in their own underhand way,' said Darrell grimly.

At that moment, Irene came up to the two girls with a frightened expression.

'Golly girls! The Head is calling you two to her office, and she certainly looks angry,' exclaimed Irene.

'What?' exploded Alicia. 'Surely Miss Grayling isn't blaming us for this! And I thought she was rather a sport!'

Darrell got up resignedly. 'Well, we'd better go find out,' she said in a tired voice.

As the two girls were leaving, Irene piped up in a timid voice.

'Oh, and Darrell?'

Darrell turned around, hoping to get some words of encouragement and comfort from her friend. 'Yes?' she replied.

'I think you should change your clothes,' said Irene in a rush. 'I think somebody managed to get a ketchupy sausage roll near your collar, and it looks rather frightening.'

The Pi Sisters at Malory TowersWhere stories live. Discover now