"I Love You"

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Hermione: The two of you were sitting in the Slytherin common room. Everyone kept giving you strange looks for having her there, but you really didn't care. The two of you had your hands entwined and were reading. Soon you felt her eyes on you, but you chose to ignore it a bit longer just to tease her. Eventually she cleared her throat and you looked up at her. 

"What is it?" You asked.

"I love you." She said quickly.

"Oh. Is that it?" You inquired.

She nodded quickly and looked down, slightly sad. You sighed and closed your book, bringing your hand to her chin to make her look at you.

"I love you too, Granger." You breathed out, your heart pounding. 

You had never been in love before but Hermione made it easy. Her face broke out in a huge smile and she captured your lips in a soft kiss. You smiled into the kiss and she broke away.

"You had me worried for a second there, Y/N." She stated.

"I've just been waiting for the right time to tell you, Hermione. I've known for a while. I just haven't said anything." You admitted.

She nodded understandingly and you smiled at her.

Luna: You and Luna had went down to see the Thestrals. She loved going to see them even though she knew you couldn't. You enjoyed it just as much as she did though because you saw her caring nature and her eyes light up. Watching her made you fall even more in love with her. But you hadn't told her that yet. Eventually, she was talking to a Thestral and you were carefully studying her. You took a step closer to her and she smiled at you and grabbed your hand. She brought your hand to rest on the Thestral and you smiled softly at her. 

"Luna." You said.

"Hmm?" She replied.

"I love you." You told her.

"I love you too, silly." She stated, smiling brightly at you. 

You grabbed her softly and pulled her in for a quick kiss before letting her return to the Thestrals.

Ginny: You and Ginny were walking around Hogsmeade. The snow was softly blowing around the two of you and she held to your hand tightly, protecting herself from the cold. You took off your large jacket and placed it over her shoulders. You weren't that cold anyways, but she was shivering. Her pride would never let her admit that she was freezing though. She smiled up at you and you kissed her quickly.

"I love you." She said as you pulled away.

"You do?" You asked, smiling widely.

She nodded and looked at you, biting her lip nervously.

"I love you too." You told her.

She smiled brightly and you felt a new kind of warmth spread through your body at the look of joy on your girlfriend's face.

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