What They Do When You're Mad

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Hermione: She knew it was best to avoid talking about it, until you calmed down. She would often sit with you and hold your hand until you were ready to talk. If you were mad at her, she would patiently wait for you to calm down and then the two of you would work things out.

Luna: Whenever you were mad, Luna would tell you stories about her childhood and her father and the creatures that they had discovered. She knew it helped put you in a calmer state and that's all she wanted. When you were mad at her, she would force you to talk to her, solving the problem before it gets too bad.

Ginny: If you were mad, so was Ginny. That was just how she was. She would want you to talk to her about what made you mad, and she would get more worked up than you. When you were mad at Ginny, everything turned into a yelling match. But even if the two of you did fight, one of you would give in and the two of you would make up. 

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