How You Two Spend Christmas

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Hermione: You usually spend Christmas with the Order. But the two of you always had your own special little celebration. You would have a small Christmas tree and you would put your presents for each other underneath it. And after all of the excitement died down on Christmas, the two of you would have your gift exchange, by yourselves.

Luna: You spent Christmas at her house more often than not. It was quite nice, a small celebration with just you, her, and her father. He accepted you into the family and the three of you always had a fun Christmas. It was nice being accepted and loved and Luna always made sure you felt that, especially at Christmas.

Ginny: Obviously, you spent Christmas with her family. It was hectic, but it was fun. You always had a pile of gifts for everyone. Muggle things for Arthur, a sweater for Molly. Various things for Bill and Fleur, Charlie, Percy, Fred and George, Ron, Harry, and Hermione. You never left anyone out. Ginny was always special though. You would exchange gifts at midnight on Christmas morning to avoid all of the hustle with the rest of the family.

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