When You Realized You Were In Love With Her

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Hermione: It was about a month after the two of you started dating. You and her had been talking in the Gryffindor common room for several hours and she had fallen asleep in the middle of a story you were telling her. You weren't offended by it because you knew she had been working hard recently and your voice soothed her. You were going to take her up to her room, but she pulled you back down and cuddled into you. You pressed a soft kiss to her forehead and she smiled softly in her sleep. You smiled at her as her face relaxed and you realized you were in love with her.

Luna: You and Luna were reading the Quibbler together. You were asking her questions and eventually she was telling you this story. You kept noticing the way her eyes would light up and the slight smile that stayed on her face as she continued with her story. The way she looked at you when the story was over to see your reaction made you light up inside and you knew you were in love.

Ginny: Realizing that you were in love with Ginny didn't take much for you. You were spending the summer at her house and the two of you had spent the whole night talking. She had fallen asleep as the sun was rising and the way the light hit her face as she was in her most peaceful sleep, it made you feel a stirring in your chest and you knew you were absolutely in love with her.

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