How They Comfort You

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Hermione: She always knew when something was bothering you. And she also knew you liked to keep this 'tough' persona. But whenever you were upset, she would always wrap her arms around you and hold you, whispering in your ear about how much she loved you. No one else would get to see the vulnerable side of you, no one except for Hermione.

Luna: Whenever you were upset, Luna would slip her hand into yours and tell you a story. She would tell you stories about her father and mother, or about the creatures that her and her father had discovered. She would try anything to keep you distracted from what was bothering you, because that's what worked best for you.

Ginny: She wasn't very good at comforting, she never had been. All she knew was that she hated to see you upset. So whenever you were she would sit and hold you, listening to your problems and offering you the best advice that she could. She tried, and that was all that mattered to you.

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