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Hermione: Everything was always soft with Hermione. Soft looks across the table, soft touches of the hand, soft pecks on cheeks, softly brushing hands before interlocking your fingers. Everything was soft. Except for kisses. You and Hermione rarely kissed in public and when you did, it was always just a peck. It was behind closed doors or when the two of you were alone that you really kissed. It was always wanting, and passionate. You could feel Hermione pour her soul into every kiss the two of you shared.

Luna: You and Luna showed affection for each other any time that you could. You were constantly holding hands or wrapping your arms around each other, as if trying to protect each other from the rest of the world. Luna's kisses were always sweet, making your heart race each time her lips brushed against yours.

Ginny: Neither you or Ginny believed in public displays of affection. Sometimes the two of you would walk around holding hands, or your arm would snake around her waist at breakfast. Ginny never failed to take your breath away with her kisses though. They were soft and fierce at the same time. Ginny conveyed everything she felt for you in each kiss and you felt like your soul had been set on fire every single time.

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