You Get Hurt

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Hermione: Your relationship with Hermione wasn't in the open yet. The two of you decided you should wait a bit before you came out to everyone. But that didn't stop the two of you from hanging out and being friends. And it definitely didn't stop her from supporting you at Quidditch matches. Even if you were playing against Gryffindor. You were a Chaser for the Slytherin team. You were practically the star of the team and everyone loved you. Everyone except the Gryffindor team. The only one who liked you was Harry, just because he knew you were Hermione's best friend. You currently had the Quaffle and you were about to score before you saw a flash of red and felt someone ram into you. You were knocked from your broom and fell to the ground. You immediately knew you had shattered the bones in your leg. Angelina Johnson had been the one who knocked you off your broom. Soon, you head your teammates fighting with the Gryffindor team, and saw Angelina smirking at your pain. Then you heard Hermione.

"Honestly, get out of my way. Y/N, are you alright?" She asked as she got to you.

"I've been better. Nothing I can't handle though." You grimaced.

Hermione threw her arms around you and you were surprised by her act of affection in front of so many people.

"I'm going to kill Angelina Johnson." She muttered.

"It's okay. I'm fine." You chuckled.

"You could've died!" She exclaimed.

"Calm down, people are going to stare." You whispered.

"Where is Madam Pomfrey?" Hermione asked, looking up.

Soon, you saw her appear. She took one look at your leg and muttered about how you had completely shattered it and you needed to be taken to the hospital wing immediately. Harry offered to carry you, seeing as how Hermione couldn't. You were thankful and couldn't help but smile as Hermione kept her hand on your back as Harry carried you to the hospital wing. You were given Skele-Gro by Madam Pomfrey and tried to sleep off the pain. When you woke up, the first thing you noticed was the entire Slytherin team. The second thing you noticed was Hermione's hand tangled with yours, and her watching you with a worried look in her eyes. You ignored the excited talking from your teammates and pressed your hand to Hermione's cheek, pulling her in for a kiss. Your team shut up and watched the interaction. When you pulled away, Hermione was a blushing mess. 

"You looked cute, and I'm still in pain." You explained.

"I love you." She said.

"I love you more." You smiled as your teammates cheered for you.

Luna: You were currently dueling Malfoy because of an insult he threw your way. He called you a Mudblood and you were tired of his abuse. So you decided to end it. What you didn't know, was that he remembered the spell Harry used on him.

"Sectumsempra!" He yelled, when you let your guard down for a moment. 

You saw your girlfriend's eyes look at you in surprise as the spell hit you and you fell back. Then she ran to you, seeing that your chest and face was covered in blood. It looked as if you had been cut by an invisible sword. You were gasping for air, feeling pain every time you breathed. You watched as Luna's eyes filled with tears at the sight of you. She wiped some of the blood from your face so she could see your eyes better. Luckily, Snape had witnessed the whole ordeal and quickly came over to you. He healed you and quickly went to find Malfoy. Luna leaned down and pressed several soft kisses to your face. You couldn't help the big smile that overtook you and you pulled her face to yours, kissing her softly.

"I thought I lost you." She whispered.

"Never." You replied, holding her close.

Ginny: It was summer break and you were at the Weasley house. You spent nearly every holiday there so it wasn't anything new. You and the twins were in the middle of a prank war though, and it was getting intense. You had recently replaced their shampoo with blue hair dye so they were both sporting bright blue hair. And they were not happy about it. So they decided to send you a stink bomb, except pretend it was from Ginny so that you would open it. You found the box on your bed with her handwriting sprawled on it so you quickly opened it. Fred and George heard the explosion from downstairs and snickered. But then they heard your scream of pain and they turned white. Ginny ran up the stairs to find you and saw blood running down the side of your head. She brought you downstairs and moved your hands away. Your ear had been blown off by the explosion. 

"Mum!" Ginny yelled.

Molly came into the kitchen and saw you.

"What happened?" She asked you.

"I had a box on my bed that was from Ginny and when I opened it, it exploded." You explained.

"Ginny!" Molly exclaimed.

"I didn't do this! Why would I blow my girlfriend's ear off?" Ginny replied, holding onto your hands and watching your pained expression.


The twins peeked their head inside and saw you, covered in blood.

"We didn't mean to, honest. It was meant to be a stink bomb." Fred said.

"You two are in so much trouble. But for now, let's take care of you, Y/N." Molly told you.

Molly quickly healed you, but was unable to reattach your ear. You were slightly upset but Ginny assured you that you were just as cute with only one ear.

"If anything, it makes you look more badass." She joked.

You rolled your eyes and pulled her in for a kiss. 

"I love you." You whispered.

"I love you too."

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