When She Realized She Was In Love With You

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Hermione: It was a long time before she said anything about it. You two had only been dating for a few weeks. The two of you were sitting in the library, studying but you had decided to take a break. You had reached over and slipped your hand into hers, causing her to smile at the simple gesture. Then the two of you started talking about whatever came to mind. You could keep up with every subject she talked about and she could do the same for you. It was when you were talking about one of your fondest childhood memories with a happy smile on your face and a twinkle in your eye that she realized she was absolutely in love with you and she wouldn't have it any other way.

Luna: For Luna, it was a sudden realization. The two of you were lying underneath a tree, and you were asking her questions about The Quibbler and you seemed genuinely interested in everything she was saying to you. You always looked at her with awe and wonder and it made her feel like she could conquer the world. It was when she made a joke, and you actually got it because you had been paying attention to every word that came from her mouth, and you genuinely laughed that she realized she was in love.

Ginny: Ginny knew before she even asked you out. She didn't realize it until right before she asked you out though. While the two of you were practicing for your upcoming Quidditch match, you jokingly ran into her with your broom and she acted super offended and angry. You kept laughing at her pouting and called her cute when she was angry. She eventually gave up and cracked a smile the next time you called her cute. The way your eyes lit up when you made her smile caused her to realize that she was crazy in love with you and had been for a while.

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