Chapter 2.

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Back with another chapter for the day. Vote or comment, it would be much appreciated.

Aubrey's pov:

"Finally" I huffed looking at the assignment that was supposed to be due tomorrow for geometry in satisfaction. Geometry sucks and especially the work that comes along with it. My teacher made us do a project on shapes that were supposed to be cut at a certain measure. We could do any shapes we wanted so I decided on jars of nutella since it's literally one of my favorite things to eat. To be honest it wasn't hard but I'm just too lazy to do anything really.

It was probably around eleven PM and I just didn't understand why I do this to myself. I complain about doing a project the last minute when there is plenty of time to work on it in class yet I still find myself finishing it late. It's my fault and I shouldn't complain in the morning because again it's my fault.

I stood up from my bed with the assignment in my hands walking over to my pink backpack, unzipping it and putting the work in it, zipping it back up. Thank god that's over and done with, now I can sleep. I sighed turning off the light, darkening my room. Walking over to my bed undoing the covers, sliding under them, laying in a comfortable position that immediately sent me into a feeling of relaxation. I closed my eyes and waited for the sleep to take over.

Suddenly my phone buzzed while charging on my night stand causing me to groan. Why do people text me when I'm just about to go to sleep? That's so annoying. Stupid me decides to check it of course instead of ignoring it and trying to get a good night rest because it always tends to bother the shit out of me.

I grabbed my phone, swiping the screen that immediately went to the message that someone sent.

11:12 PM
From unknown: my arms could be there to wrap around you and keep you warm at night.

Ugh. People get the right number and stop reminding me of how I'm such a loner and that things like that will never be in directed to me. I did have a cat to keep me warm but it ran away because it probably sensed my desperation.

I plugged my charger back in my phone setting it down on the night stand again, resting my head on the pillow and closing my eyes, sighing in relief where I slowly felt myself slip away into a slumber.

Next morning

"Mija get up" I opened my eyes seeing my mom weirdly leaning over me repeatedly shaking me. "Get up for school aubrey" she shook me one last time after noticing I was awake and walked out of my room.

I groaned, flipping the covers off of me,standing up, immediately feeling lightheaded almost losing my balance. I walked into my bathroom to pee and brush my teeth. "Just two more weeks, you can do this" I muttered closing my eyes. Oh let's be fucking real here I can't do this. Finals and then graduation? this is just too much.

Since I showered last night I straightened my hair since it was a Friday. Thank the lord. For makeup I only applied mascara and natural strawberry lip balm. I prefer to not cake my face and spend hours on eyebrows. It's 2016 and every girl looks the same with the damn extreme makeup. Makeup isn't a priority so calm down with it. It's school not a photo shoot.

Setting the mascara down on my dresser, I walked over to my closet looking at the hanged clothes trying to decide what to wear. With the many suggestions I imagined in my head, I went with the one that I thought would look best. White skinny jeans, light red fitted shirt, and my black high top converse. It's simple but I love wearing my converse.

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