Chapter 6.

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I'm not gonna update often anymore because the reads are ridiculous like really six chapters and not even 200 reads? Once the reads build up I'll continue this book but here's a long chapter to leave y'all with for now.

Aubrey's pov:

"So where were you yesterday aubrey?" Emily asked seriously as we sat at the lunch table outside. I gave her a weird look and put my nature valley bar down, chewing the food in my mouth and speaking once I swallowed it.

"What do you mean what was I doing yesterday?" I asked with a hint of attitude, "I was at home" she's really starting to get on my nerves with this shit, I don't bombard her with the dumbest questions like she does now do I?

"Well words going around saying otherwise" she picked at her pink painted nails and I laughed sarcastically, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Oh yeah? And what are people saying? Enlighten me emily" Let's see what kind of rumor people are spreading around now since everyone clearly has no life and is just nosey pathetic bitches.

"Oh you know, that you skipped school with jason who got suspended because of a fight that was over you" Okay that was true but why would anyone make a big deal over that? It made me laugh at how stupid people can be. "That explains that fucking hickey on your neck" she said scrunching her face up in disgust, "I'm over here trying to look out for you and instead you're just fucking him"

"We didn't have sex emily!" I yelled standing up from the table, "how many times do I have to fucking tell you that I can take care of myself?! I'm not a damn child and you really shouldn't be talking from all the times you whore'd around with guys" her jaw immediately dropped but at this point I was so infuriated to care nor plaster a smirk on my face, "I don't want to be friends with someone who's just gonna be constantly putting shame on me" I grabbed my backpack and was boiling at this point, enough is enough. I'm so over everyone at this fucking school.

"So you're just gonna pick a psychopath who you've been dating for two days over your best friend of basically your whole life?" She stood up glaring at me and I chuckled, walking away from her before turning around.

"You don't even know how long we've been best friends" I shook my head, laughing in pure sarcasm. She never knew the date and always said 'we've been best friends our entire lives' that's petty as fuck. "I'm not picking anyone over anybody but I sure as hell would pick anyone in a heart over someone like you" I turned away from her and continued walking towards the school. I'm not even sure if I would regret what I said but it was absolutely the damn truth.

"Have fun with your fucking boyfriend and don't come crying to me when he does something to you!" She yelled.

I rolled my eyes, muttering under my breath, "I wouldn't even fucking count on it"

Today was going so slow, I wasn't in the mood for anything anymore. I didn't give a fuck about that bullshit make these days end in happiness, no fuck that shit. I'm so done with everyone at this school and possibly lost my best friend for good over something so stupid.

Everything goes around.

You're in people's business.

Rumors get spreaded.

Ugh it's so annoying, this is exactly why I can't wait to graduate so I can just finally do my own thing.

Dark Desires | Jason McCann |Where stories live. Discover now