Chapter 8.

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Gaining reads, it's about time honestly. I just don't understand how my justin books don't receive enough reads, I spend hours on a chapter and end up with like 200 reads, shit like that pisses me off.
Anyways, thanks for 1k finally ♡

Aubrey's pov:

Everything was dark and I felt like I couldn't breathe, it felt like as if I hadn't seen light in forever. I don't know how long I've been in here but all I knew was that I was petrified right now with all these thoughts running through my head while my heart was basically pounding out of my chest. Was he gonna kill me? Am I really gonna die like this?! My breathing became uneasy and the air seemed to be getting thicker and thicker with each breath I took.

At this point, my head was hurting from all the possibilities that were gonna happen to me, he's gonna kill me. Jason is fucking psychotic and I don't even know why I got involved with him but now is not the fucking time to regret anything, look where it got me! I'm in a fucking trunk! He's probably going to kill me for whatever shit I done to him.

I moved my hands around and felt nothing but fabrication, complete darkness and not one sight of light, it's night what the hell would I expect? Jesus to shine his fucking light on me to save me? We all know there is no savior or grace, I'm in a situation I can't even get myself out of.

After constant wreck less driving, the car had stopped and my heart instantly dropped. I panicked and wondered if he was gonna kill me right now and throw me somewhere no one could find me and I tried mentally preparing myself for it even though I was shaking at this point.

Silence was all I heard except for my heavy breathing that filled up the small space before the trunk suddenly opened with his figure coming into view. He stood over me with a dark look on his face, enjoying my fear. "Come on, princess" he evilly grinned and raised his arms which caused me to instantly back myself away from him.

"Don't touch me!" I screamed and attempted to escape from the available space and jump out but he moved to the side and gripped onto my body causing me to resist, backing myself away from him.

"Aubrey, stop!" He huffed and harshly picked me up, throwing me over his shoulders which caused me to scream and kick my legs around, trying to fight him to get myself down but couldn't due to the very tight painful grip he had on me.

I raised my body up and looked at my surroundings which was surrounded by nothing but trees and darkness, that's when I feared the worst. I squirmed around and tried harder this time into getting myself down but that only made jasons grip become tighter. "Let me go!" I screamed as if in hope that someone could hear me but I knew that no one could. No one was gonna help me, we were in the middle of nowhere, in a complete isolated place. I'm gonna die and no one's gonna know about it.

"You should be happy, baby girl, I took us away from those people just like you wanted. It's just us two" Jason said in happiness like the delusional bastard that he was. I feel like I'm gonna throw up from the heavy feeling of fear. What the fuck was he talking about?! He's clearly not right in the head to understand the things he was doing. He kidnapped me and it still seemed so unbelievable right now, I have to be in a dream! This is all a nightmare!

"You're pyscho! I don't wanna be with you, jason! Let me go!" I cried out, pounding my fists into his back. I'm already fucking losing my mind. There's nothing I could do nor possibly say for him to let me go, I didn't want to give up but I knew deep down inside that he made it clear for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 04, 2016 ⏰

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