Chapter 4.

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Yes you girl, thank you for the comments ♡♡ I appreciate them and especially you :) updated another long chapter for the day and will update later today or tomorrow.

Aubrey's pov:

The show 'web of lies' on investigation discovery channel was very very interesting. I mean besides the horrible acting and terrible dramatization of what really happened, It just makes me think of it stupidly and I can't seem to take it serious even though it is based off of people's actual experiences and true events.

For example this thirty year old mom was strangled to death and the guy that did it was sentenced to life in prison. Strangling is not bad but that's not what I'm pointing out, this sixteen year old girl was killed and raped by a rapist and he was only sentenced to sixty years in prison. Talk about injustice. The laws are unfair and should be changed but hey that's how the world is nowadays.

Another one that really just stood out to me was this thirteen year old girl, she had her aunt spoiling her with whatever she wanted and the girl ended up getting a computer where she met guys and started talking to them in a chat room, then later on arranged meetings with them where she had sex with them. Are you kidding me?! You're thirteen for fucks sakes, so later she ended up getting killed, being strangled and then raped. I'm not sure if it was rape, she probably liked it.

As much as I want to call these people dumb for even walking into their death trap, I kept my mouth shut due to realizing that they're dead and what could they do? Not all of us are perfect, we all make mistakes.

My phone suddenly vibrated and I glanced at the lit up screen looking at the tv and grabbing my phone swiping it without looking and once the show went to commercial I finally checked whatever notification I had just received.

6:38 PM
From sexy jason:
What's up babe?

I laughed at the text noticing how he called me babe, I've noticed it but I never said anything because, lowkey I didn't mind. We weren't in a relationship and this clearly wasn't a 'friends with benefits' thing. Friends I guess? Ooo look nuggets, I was distracted again watching the McDonald's commercial show off their damn chicken nuggets.

6:40 PM
To sexy jason: watching tv and now I want chicken nuggets 😥
What about you?

I wish I could snap my fingers and wham! There's my nuggets made in a bowl with a bottle of ketchup just for me. Putting that on my list for Santa Claus for Christmas this year.

6:41 PM
From sexy jason:
Lol, Laying in bed wanting to cuddle with you :(

I smiled rereading the text but I'm not those types of girls who be like 'aww stop you're so cute' that's just unecessary. I have my own ways of replying back to cliché things.

6:43 PM
To sexy jason: who cares I want chicken nuggets.

Give me bowl of nuggets and I guarantee you will get laid. I'm not sure if I'm joking or just being dramatic about how much I love chicken nuggets and the way I devote myself to them.

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