Chapter 5.

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This new wattpad update is pissing me off oh my god.

Let me just tell you before you try criticizing my writing. In this book jasons character is weird and acts like he's in a middle school relationship. Just chill out and ignore his temporarily cliché self.

Aubrey's pov:

Last night I could hardly get any sleep, due to replaying the memories from last night in my head over and over again finding myself smiling like a mad woman. I woke up feeling like shit again knowing it was only a damn Wednesday. This just isn't right, who ever came up with making us go to school at seven o'clock in the morning and act like slaves for eight hours in Satan's kingdom is ridiculous and should've kept their mouth shut but complaining is just gonna make things worse.

I groaned throwing my legs over my pillow and closed my eyes instantly feeling sleepy, if only i could just sleep for a few more minutes-no, I sat up knowing that a few minutes will turn into hours, I know myself and learned already from sixth grade.

I looked over at my clock reading the time, rubbing my eyes making sure I was reading right. '6:25 AM' shit! I threw the covers off of my body running into the bathroom to brush my teeth.

After peeing so fast that I didn't even think was possible and brushing my teeth so furiously, my mouth felt numb, I had no time to be calm and that was the best ways to put me in the worst moods.

Thinking that i don't have time to take my time really due to noticing it was '6:32 AM'. I ran to my drawer pulling out a black short long sleeved crop top and high waisted yoga pants. Plain and boring I know but there's literally no time right now trying to be stylish.

After changing in the clothes, I tied my hair up into a high ponytail, grabbing the two separate pieces of my thick hair pulling it down where they laid on my shoulders. For my makeup it was only, light concealer, top winged eyeliner, top mascara and my strawberry lip balm.

I huffed out a breath of air grabbing my dove deodorant and 'Paris amour' perfume quickly applying it on. No matter how much of a rush I'm in, I make sure to smell good. Make it through the days happily, proms coming up and so is graduation so enjoy every second of school because it's literally your last time.

My phone vibrated and I groaned sitting on the bed to check it.

6:45 AM
From sexy jason:
Morning baby girl,
I'm on my way to pick you up.

Okay don't even ask me. I smiled, getting up from my bed and walked into my closet to grab my black and white high top converse. I lazily put them on and then I was finally finished. This is exactly why I don't wake up late.

I grabbed my backpack, exiting my room and running downstairs to tell my mom that she didn't need to take me to school today. Knowing her she's gonna ask who because she knows emilys car was taken up too but i think I'm a good liar. Think.

I walked into the kitchen where she was pouring coffee into a cup as usual and once she noticed my presence her face lit up with a surprised expression. "You're early" I know what a shocker.

"Well because I came to tell you that you don't need to take me to school today because somebody's going to" she held the cup in her hands, lifting it up to her mouth, sipping from it, making me nervous. My mom was somewhat strict on me ever since of the incident with chris and I'm not going down memory lane because it makes me cringe til this day and no it isn't fucking incest.

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