Part 3

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"I'm Red's friend, call me Jason, kid."

This most possibly would become one of Jason's more insane moves of his live. Right behind trying to and almost succeeding, mind you, in murdering Bruce. It was one of those run of the mill, last second decision plans he would admit. But Debbie needed a decent babysitter and her stepdad was doing a terrible job in being responsible. Which is how Jason found himself picking up Debbie from school and soon also would begin taking her to school as well.

The young blonde looked up at the disheveled man, tilting her head as many other students scattered around her, in search of their own parents, "I like your hair."

Jason did his best in convincing himself that this was for her own well being. If he hadn't found out what he did those days back. He refused to do nothing. Especially if it would drag his kid into any trouble. 

Jason had been out on an assignment. Nothing too unusual or difficult. 

"Eddie leaves at night when he thinks I'm asleep. He gets mad when I'm awake." 

  Jason hadn't visited Debbie that night on account of his assignment. They opted on a phone call instead all the while the man was observing one of his owns executives carry out an operation on a local gang. Jason found himself shivering and pulling his Jacket tighter around him as the cold Gotham breeze hit his shoulders roughly. Winter slowly began it's descend.  

Edward Lawrence was the stepdad. Jason would gladly admit he hated Debbie's stepfather. Yet hate didn't even give justice to how Jason truly felt about the man. He might have once been respectable perhaps but now he was a deranged, shameful bastard. A criminal in his own right. Thief and conman. 

"Does your mom know about these disappearances?" Jason asked through his helmet. He recently had Tim make some adjustments to his helmet, one of which allowed him to talk to his blonde friend even while away on other assignments.

"They've argued about it I think, but they always argue about everything. I heard him say things about meeting at the docks."

The docks. Jason wasn't very far from the place. He knew his mission that night would be entirely effective either way, Jason had his best man on ground duty after all.  As though she could read his mind, Debbie scolded Jason over his headset. 

"But don't go! If I hear you went to the docks I'll... I'll be super mad and not bring you anymore cookies or cupcakes!"

Jason rolled his eyes and chuckled underneath his helmet. He took a long deep breath. Cracking his knuckles, Jason brought out his grappling hook. What Debbie didn't know wouldn't hurt her would it? He just couldn't help himself.

"I'm not making any promises." Jason spoke into his helmet as he took a leap off the building which he was standing at. 

And so naturally, the man found himself at the docks, on the lookout for any suspicious activity. 

Jason decided on a covert mission.  

The young man rested by the docks, on top of shipping containers as he let his feet hang over the edge. Jason began throwing pebbles into the water as he waited patiently. He was out of sight from any who would be at the docks at such a late hour. 

His helmet had began acting up as well. Maybe it had been a bad idea to add in few conveniences like a certain file filled with his favorite music or radio to listen to  keep updated on sports games. He'd found that some of those new tweaks he fashioned interfered with his radar at times and other more necessary appliances.

He'd been waiting for almost an hour before two cars came around the docks as quietly as they could. Jason was sure to keep his presence unknown, he jumped off the shipping container and onto another as he let his helmet signal in and find out what it was these men were talking about which would take a little time.

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