Part 5

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It almost had given him a heart attack at first. Even without the mechanized hint in his voice which his helmet always gives him, Debbie had for a second believed Jason was- well... she wasn't completely wrong. 

"It's me, kid, it's Jason." 

Jason let the young girl munch on the cupcakes he had brought her after Debbie refused to eat the healthy hospital food that was left for her in case she woke up every day. Debbie had her entire upper lip and nose covered in rainbow frosting which made a smile bloom on Jason's face. 

"Small bites, princess, save some for tomorrow," it made Debbie laugh as she devoured almost half the box of cupcakes Jason had brought.

Even though she had woken up and ate various colorful cupcakes, Debbie still lacked energy. The young girl's face drooped down even with the occasional smile or giggle. She also kept from talking as much as before. That is until a certain bit of information escaped her lips.

"Mean old Ed wouldn't share his candy so I thought I'd try some. It didn't taste like caramel though, and it looked more like pop rocks and medicine."

That had truly caught Jason by surprise as he sipped on his coffee. His face now stern as he looked at the young girl with growing concern in the pit of his stomach, "What?" 

Turns out Debbie had found her stepfathers stash. He punished her after she had spilled most of his supply over their living room rug and declared that they were only pieces of candy he had acquired at work. Debbie, being disobedient as ever with her stepfather, had snuck into his room one afternoon and swiped a large amount of drug, taking it back to her own bedroom.

One thing quickly led to another but they were fast in rushing the blonde to the hospital. For the time being she was only under surveillance and only once she could perfectly manage herself on her own, she would be free to go. 

It still didn't keep Jason from growing furious. He gulped down the most horrid words threatening to escape his throat and forced a smile through clenched teeth, "I'm just glad you're okay, Debs."

As fate would have it, a nurse soon entered Debbie's hospital room to inform them the end of visiting hours. Jason was quick in saying goodbye, he gave Debbie her well deserved hug and kiss on her forehead before promising that he would visit again soon. 

Jason had some business to take care of first. 

The night was still young as Jason made his way to one of his shared safe houses with Roy. The red head surely would be there working on some form of gadget or another. Most likely building Damian's well deserved weapon. 

  "Harper, what more do you know about UT?"  

Jason was correct. As he entered his warehouse/safe house, Roy was at his workbench fiddling with what seemed to be the wing of a miniature plane. The other man didn't even bother in looking up from his project, "Uh,  well you can get it in almost any form. Pills being traditional as well as pieces of paper like LSD. Knowledgeable chef's are becoming more creative from what I hear. What exactly are you getting at here, Jason?"

Jason wasn't sure if this would be a good idea. Although he had very little choice and he trusted Roy with far worse. Jason would trust Roy with even his own life. 

"I need to ask you a favor."

Roy wished he could say he was surprised. But in all honesty he was just down right relieved. Or at least he wished he could say he was somewhat relieved. 

Oh, who was he kidding, Roy was terrified.

In front of him was who he believed to be one of the smartest men, one of the best tacticians he had ever known. And of course being his best friend, one of the worst partners in crime ever (meaning the absolute best) and the one person who Roy trusted with every inch of his being.

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