Part 10

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"Dickie, how's your night going so far," Jason greeted weakly as he found his brother coming out from the police station.

Dick had just gotten off work and was surprised to find Jason waiting outside for him. It wasn't unusual to find a few bruises or cuts on the man but tonight Jason looked far worse than normal. His jacket was an old one he hadn't worn in a while but the shirt and pants he wore were tattered beyond belief.

It was only after a few moments that Dick realized his brother was wearing his Red Hood gear although his armor was missing, seemed to have been torn off, "Jason, it's practically morning, what the hell happened to you?"

"Can't talk here," the man kept his head down before grabbing his brother by the shoulder for support and leading them away from the station, "I've got a safehouse nearby."

It didn't take long to reach his safehouse. Jason had many hidden and at his disposal if ever needed. Dick wasn't even surprised anymore that his brother had a safehouse in his very city. He was quick to help his brother walk as they let the rigid winter air hit them on such a harsh morning.

"No, no," Dick began to say, "It can't be. There are no crooked cops in Bludhaven."

They had taken refuge in Jason's safehouse in the city. Dick began to patch his brother up immediately as the other told him of what had happened. He hadn't told Dick of Debbie exactly although he did mention they had taken something of great value from him.

"I made you a list of the cops' names. The one's I remembered," Jason groaned as they stitched up a large gash made on his back, "Think Nightwing can do something about it?"

It was worth a shot asking his older brother for a favor. Jason knew he could count on him whenever he needed the help but this time it seemed almost irrational. It had become personal. And he wasn't sure whether it was a good idea or not to bring Dick into his affairs.

Dick thought of it although ignored the question, finishing up his work and cleaning the few stains of blood from his brothers shoulder blade, "Did you get any sleep? Try to catch a few hours-"

"No," Jason stood up immediately after Dick had finished the stitching, "I need to know if you can do this. Please. Can I count on you?"

It wasn't like Jason to ever ask for favors. Something was off. Yet Dick decided to not press on the matter. What had happened obviously made an impact on Jason. Dick had done little for his brother when he was younger, maybe this was one way he could make up for it. That and family was family. They took care of one another no matter what.

The older brother ran a hand through his hair, taking the bloodstained piece of paper from Jason's hand, "Alright. I'll see what I can do."

He could begin with the list of names. It wouldn't be tough work at all. Although he would have to start immediately.

"Tonight, Dick," Jason's eyebrows furrowed as he pulled his jacket over his shoulders and grabbed his duffel bag, "It has to be tonight."

Dick nodded, "Tonight it is."

It was even less difficult to bring Roy on board. Once he found out they had taken Debbie, the red head was ready to murder. It was Jason who kept him at bay while in his Gotham warehouse. Roy had been eating breakfast and working on one of his new prototype arrows. Jason was worse for wear. His face bruised and disheveled but his heart worn on his sleeve as he walked in to meet his friend.

"They took my helmet," Jason claimed as he dropped his duffel bag on Roy's workbench, "Fix up that armor. I need it done by tonight."

Roy nodded and began his work. He set down his cup of coffee and cracked his knuckles, opening up Jason's duffel bag as the man went to his desk on the far side of their warehouse. Jason peeled off his clothes, checking the damage done to his body in a cracked mirror hanging off the wall.

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