Part 6

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All was well and fine the following weeks. Almost a month since having been released from the hospital, Debbie was back to her usual sassy self. The young girl continued her snack-meets with the Red Hood. Jason made sure to bring them something fresh to drink either water or juice, his own drink sometimes having a tinge of alcohol all the while Debbie baked them delicious treats. 

Debbie had also informed Jason of Lawrence and his broken arm. A work related injury he proclaimed. He told them he'd fallen down some stairs. A weak excuse but Jason was proud of his work, although crude.

One night they decided on going on a walk. Debbie wished to ride on the man's back while he swung using his grappling hook but Jason was very much against in, fearing for her safety.

"To quote Hamlet, Act III, Scene III, Line 92.... No." 

Debbie let her arms fall dramatically low as they walked the streets of her neighborhood, "You and mom do the same thing. She says Shakespeare was a true romantic."

Jason laughed. He carried his helmet under one arm and reached out with his other for Debbie to take. The blonde smiled and jumped before grabbing his hand and walking alongside him. 

"Your friend Jason is really cool. I really really like him!" she beamed. 

With a light chuckle, Jason shook his head, "Yeah? How much"

"A lot! Like one hundred million thousand!" 

Sooner than later, Debbie began telling him stories of her parents. It must have been the time and the amount they had walked but the young girl begged for the man to carry her on his back as they found themselves in the park by her home. 

Debbie was never too tired to talk or tell the man a story or two. "My dad was really nice, my real dad that is. He could have been a singer I bet. My mommy always wrote him such nice letters but only he could make them rhyme for her."

Her stories lifted Jason's spirit as they sat together on the park bench. He sat his helmet on the ground as Debbie leaned against his side for warmth. She told him of how her parents had met and known each other as children but never really began to spend time together until their high school years, getting into different levels of trouble every day.

The blonde tilted her head up, "Did you and Arsenal ever do stupid things?"

Jason turned his head quickly, "Language, kiddo. But yeah, of course we got into trouble. He's the best partner in crime anyone could ask for," the man smiled and chuckled as he reminisced in old memories, "I almost gave him a heart attack when I came back from the grave."

"Tell me more," Debbie's voice was faint as she got comfortable beside Jason, using his shoulder as a pillow. 

Smiling, he continued, "Even when I argue with my brother's, he's always been there to lend me a hand. Or a wrench. Alfred too and hell even Grayson," he shook his head, a light chuckle escaping his lips, "See, this is all weird and new to me. I came from a real bad home similar to yours. I suppose that's the reason I feel responsible for ya', Debs. You have the potential to do great things, kid. And I want you to know that I'm here for you."  

Nodding his head in acceptance of what he'd just said, Jason looked down only to find the small blonde curled up and fast asleep, one of her hands clutching his jacket in between her pudgy fingers. 

"Good talk, kid."

On a different day, Jason donned his civilian clothes as he went to pick the blonde up from school. Nothing out of the ordinary but he had taken a break that week when his attention was required elsewhere. 

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