Part 8

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It didn't take long for Jason to drop by and visit the blonde at her motel. Lawrence worked during the night, Jason was too preoccupied to find out where but made sure to do so anyway. Lawrence had returned to his old ways. Or possibly never had left in the first place.

He and Debbie found themselves sitting at the tables by the horrible excuse for a pool which the motel had. A lone inflatable duck swam around the pool which hardly had any water to begin with. Jason, as always, kept his domino mask on while enjoying his cookies or cupcakes which he would now buy for them both. 

"What time does Lawrence normally get back?" he asked the girl as she finished the cookie in her mouth.

Debbie shrugged, "I'm not sure. But he's always home by the time I wake up."

On the plus side, Lawrence had been too busy to lay a hand on Debbie again lately. That and Jason was sure to give him a warning if Debbie had so much as a scratch or bruise on her. It had it's perks, him being busy and all but Jason still needed to kick his ass for the way he was earning his money.

And Lawrence was surely in for it that night.

He put Debbie to bed and waited for the older man. If he had to be honest, Jason thought Lawrence looked like shit. Literally, the man was filthy from head to toe. Did he ever hear of a thing called bathing?

"You disobeyed me, Lawrence," Jason walked out from the dark parking lot while the other man got out of his car. 

Lawrence sighed. He'd been through the Red Hood enough times already, "The only employment out there is with Delto. Cut me some slack, Hood, I've never had a decent job in all my-" 

"I don't give a shit," Jason interjected, the cold night air making it's way into his helmet slowly.

Shaking his head, letting a light puff of warmth escape his lips, Lawrence nodded over to the man, "For a self proclaimed good guy you sure treat others like shit"

"Just doing what I gotta do," he shrugged, "Survival and all." 

Everything was fine for the time being. Jason himself had become busy the next few days and was unable to visit Debbie on various nights. Although it all seemed fine at the moment, if Jason had known what Lawrence had been up to those few days, he would have never left. 

Debbie had gone missing. 

It wasn't as though it had suddenly happened from one day to the next but it might as well have. Jason wasn't even sure how long she'd been missing. He had warned Lawrence of bringing Debbie into his business yet the man had not listened. 

But Jason would make him pay. That and more after he got Debbie back. Jason knew of an old abandoned warehouse near the far side of Bludhaven. If he finished his business quickly and quietly, Jason was sure Nightwing wouldn't mind one bit. 

"I've dreamt of this day for a long time, Lawrence," Jason's voice was soft yet nonetheless lethal as it was hidden underneath the electronic echo of his helmet, "Delto has Debbie I know that much. But I'm positive of two other things as well."

Jason walked around the dimly lit warehouse as the other man sat in a beat up chair, stained and sweaty. If he knew any better, Jason would have thought Lawrence was terrified but he knew him well enough. Lawrence was just praying for a quick death to end his suffering on his good for nothing life.

"Delto surely won't give me her whereabouts. Then we have you, I know you know where he has her. And friend of mine... you're going to tell me," with a flick of his wrost he opened up the knife secured tightly within his grasp, walking over to lean into the man, getting into his personal space, "Or-"

"Or you'll slice him up?" came another voice from behind him. 

Jason was quick in turning around, knife in hand and ready to fight. Within the shadows he made out one lone figure. Of course it was the mastermind himself. 

"Making late night visits I see," Jason joked as he realized Delto had come with a few police officers who stood behind him, their weapons not yet drawn up but still secure in their hands, "And you brought Bludhaven pigs."

It had first been beyond his knowledge how the man could have found him. But then again, the crooked cops from Bludhaven answered his question just as easily. Must have been under his payroll for a large amount of money if they brought him this close to Jason.

"Please," the man scoffed, "I knew you would bring the fool to torture. I've known of your visits to my worker for some time now already. Needed to get your attention somehow, Hood."

Jason turned his head back to Lawrence. Luckily his helmet hid his worry and anger on the matter. Lawrence simply shrugged as he looked at the man in front of him, "Just doing what I gotta do, Red. Survival and all."

So he'd been played. What an utterly stupid idiot he had been. Yet that still didn't help Jason in any way to find Debbie. If he knew what was good for him, the scum wouldn't touch a hair on her head. But Jason still thought it best to play the game. Dangerously so, he would come out on top in the end no matter what it took. Even if he had to bring the Bludhaven police force down with him.

"I didn't care at first, you handling my worker and all. But then I grew curious. You care more about the girl than even this bastard. And then I found out more about you. Your own gang," Delto began as he found himself taking long slow steps around the dim warehouse, "I am impressed I will admit. A Mr. Kyle Barnes in your crew as well as a Ms. Jill-"

Jason cocked his gun and held it to Lawrence's head, "If you know what's best for you, you'll shut the hell up, pal. Where's the little girl?"

It was unknown how much more the man knew of Jason's other business affairs but he surely didn't need to find out. They were trying to get under Jason's skin but he refused to let them succeed. He needed to find Debbie. She was his priority.

The few police officers in the warehouse seemed unfazed by the whole ordeal happening in front of them. Some had even put their weapons away while others kept them aimed to the ground. Most of their attention was at their boss who thought of himself as invincible. 

"You point that gun as though I care about him living," Delto shrugged, a mere few feet away from Jason who held on tightly to his pistol, finger on the trigger ready for anything.

Lawrence's breathing became heavy as a light trickle of sweat rolled down his cheek. Jason cocked his gun. If Delto thought he was bluffing, he was sure to be proven wrong. He needed the location of Debbie.

 "But honestly," Delto held up his own pistol, "I couldn't give two shits about him."


Little nod to my twinie Lea_Selina and her own story Brother's In Arms as well as it's sequel Revenge. I just couldn't help myself!

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