Part 4

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Jason was sure to do his research. He was great at tracking down information especially on Gotham scum. But this was a tricky son of a bitch. He believed the uptown job could most possibly be a heist of some kind. Delto seemed to favor heists on big enough corporations, always after the money.

Which brought him to yet another investigation. J.C. Delto. Most notably a young man who continued his fight to the top of the food chain. Very much a young man, a couple of years Jason's senior from the looks of things. Delto had only recently surfaced. 

A ruthless man, Jason soon found out. Sacrificing the lives of even his own men if need be. None of his heists in the past ever being brought to justice, no tracks left behind. This guy was good at what he did, Jason would admit. Not as good as himself but still he was no amateur either.    

Jason needed a break. Which is how he found himself with Roy back in Star City. Not his favorite place to be but Roy wanted to pay a visit to his former mentor. More like play tricks and games on Ollie but Jason was happy to oblige. They observed Ollie for a night, finding out about a certain gala party for his upcoming birthday.  Roy was beyond ecstatic. Something about giving him the best birthday present of all time and bringing along a plasma beam gun on their visit for testing.

The red head had them perched atop a skyscraper some days later, looking down into the gala which Ollie would surely be attending  by now. Jason was sure to bring reading material as he settled down and removed his helmet. 

"Books rot your brain," Roy said as he fiddled with one of his arrows. 

Jason shrugged, "Says the man with a collection of Harry Potter books under his bed."

Roy chuckled and ignored his friends remark. He continued to tinker with his arrows all the while become irritated by his friends constant mumbling under his breath. Jason was aimlessly rambling and it quickly became an annoyance. Roy was sure he wasn't paying any attention to the book he'd brought on their stakeout. 

"Red, you're mumbling again," he annoyingly stated with a roll of his eyes.

Jason paid no attention and continued his thinking out loud, "But what else would happen uptown?"

That last detail soon sent shivers down Roy's back. Bad memories for sure. He shook his head in disgust before commenting, "Uptown? UT? Don't tell me it's circulating around Gotham now." 

And at last he had obtained Jason's attention. The man gave a look of confusion, tilting is head. Jason sat up, almost dropping the book in his hand as he did so, "What do you mean circulating? It's a heist isn't it?" 

Roy stopped his fiddling, putting his arrow back in it's quiver and looking at Jason with the most amused look, shaking his head, "Oh, Jaybird..."

Turns out that his believed heist was a hallucinogen drug. One of which Roy had decent information on. UT, or it's adopted name of Uptown was well known for being sold to the more wealthy people in upper districts hence being donned the name Uptown. Roy had history with the medium and would provide Jason with all information needed, and extra. 

"Ollie always wondered what I wasted my money on. It's cheaper now than it was before actually. Should've saved up my money instead and bought a Firebird when I was younger." 

Of course Roy had useful information over the substance. His friend was quite a genius although Jason would never admit it out loud. 

They carried out their plan in torturing Ollie. Causing trouble just for fun. Ambushing the gala filled with selfish wealthy scum but being sure to not harm anyone. They just wanted some fun, the two weren't monsters. And they wanted to annoy Oliver as a birthday present of sorts.

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