Part 2

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Within the first few weeks, Debbie would be sure to let Jason know about even the smallest things in her day. At any time of the day she would call him whenever she got the chance. It soon became quite a normal occurrence.

Even when the young man found himself at the manor or out with Roy or even on his days off that he went out for a cup of coffee and a nice breakfast. Debbie had inevitably become a part of the mans life and Jason was too stubborn to admit it. She always had the most interesting things to say.

"Red, I saw Batman and his sidekick last night, I can't remember his name. Do you know them?... Oh- Do you know Wonder Woman?!"

"We should go to Russia. Dustin says it's colder than Antarctica there!"

Jason was quick to remind the young girl that the reason behind giving her a way to contact him was strictly for emergencies. And so little Debbie made the phone calls less frequent. Only ever so often on some mornings or after school as she walked home on her own. 

Coincidentally enough, Jason would not be around for quite a few days. Dick had asked for his assistance on a case. One of which the younger brother would not pass up. Dick had been going after a certain mob boss which Jason had also had his eye on. He had tons of other work to be done elsewhere but together it would be far easier to take the entire operation down and much quicker.

Although Jason had made the mistake in letting Debbie know of why he would be absent, he eventually came across a piece of her anyway. 

"Wait, he killed who again?" 

Jason was in Dick's apartment looking over a couple of boxes full of files which Dick had been able to bring home from the station. Not entirely on legal terms but they did need some official information. In all honesty, it had been an extremely boring night for Jason.

Dick dropped the file he was going over and walked across his living room into the kitchen in search of something to drink, "Dominic York. He'd been working at the station for about three years."

York. But it couldn't be the same York could it?

"Sorry, Grayson, I- I have to go," Jason quickly stood up and collected his jacket as well as the file his brother had been reading and made his way to the front door, "I uh- I've gotta go do... stuff."

Dick took a drink from his soda before scolding the other man, "What about the case?"

"I'll have one of my guys keep you updated!" Jason was then out the door and off to his own trouble-making ways. 

He did his own research after that. He put all the rest of his work on hold. Jason had some time on his hands after all. He found out a good amount over Debbie's father. The file held various pictures as well as reports. Officer Dominic York had left behind a wife and child of just two years of age. A decent man. Both Debbie and her father had the same rowdy blonde hair save for the fact that the older man had his neatly combed in contrast to Debbie never letting a hairbrush come near her. Although he was glad for learning more about the young girl, Jason couldn't help but feel guilty over having protruded into her personal life.  

The days came and went. Dick's investigation had come to an end and Jason was free once more. Which meant he could resume with his hangout with young Debbie. She hadn't been calling him on his burner phone at all which could have either been a good or bad thing considering the young girl's attitude.

Jason would soon find out.

"You left without a trace!" Debbie scolded with her tiny fists balled up at her sides. 

The young blonde was very much bitter at Jason. He had gone missing without having let her know. No warning at all. He had done so a few times before but never for such a lengthy time. Jason had let himself into her bedroom and woken her up as a surprise. It was a special day after all.

The older man chuckled, "I'm sorry, kid. But I'm here now aren't I?" 

Debbie puffed up her chest and crossed her arms but she couldn't stay angry at her friend forever, "True. But you still missed my birthday party," she let her arms fall to her sides before a smile spread across her face, "Mommy took the day off and we baked a cake. Do you want to try it?"

After she had cut quite a large piece of cake and poured a glass of milk for him, Debbie met Jason on her roof where they normally would talk. Jason was sat on the ledge as usual, helmet off and domino mask on. Debbie came out the rooftops door in her fluffy yellow slippers and unicorn themed pajamas. She enthusiastically told Jason all about her day. Her mother had given her permission to miss a day from school as they baked and cooked a feast for her little own birthday party at home. They had baked quite a colorful cake covered in frosting drips resembling a rainbow. 

"Have you seen my mommy? She's really pretty, people tell me I have her eye's. I wanna be real pretty like her when I get big." Debbie told Jason just as he finished the last piece of cake he had. 

Yes he actually had seen her on few rare occasions. Larena Ruiz was very much so a beautiful woman Jason would admit. Although married to a different man, she did not take his surname as she had done so before and instead opted in using her maiden name. The woman had been through quite the journey as Debbie had told him. From the sliver of information and stories Debbie would mention, Jason had put the pieces together on what kind of woman her mother was. And held her in highest regards.

"She's a waitress at Destiny's in the afternoons and at night..."

Jason turned his head to look at the young girl who suddenly had on a puzzled look, "Yeah?

Debbie tilted her head and squinted her eyes, "Well she's a dancer but I've never heard of a night time ballerina."


"Hey have I ever told you about my friend... Barnes?" Jason tried his best in changing the subject to anything possible now as he spoke nervously, "Barnes does the craziest things!"

The young girl laughed lightly to herself. Debbie sat beside Jason as she fought off the sleep tugging at her eyelids, "You have a friend named Barnes? That's kind of a funny name."

"Yeah, I suppose it is for a kid like him."

They spent the rest of the night taking aimlessly over nonsense. Debbie made herself comfortable leaning against Jason all the while the older man told her stories about his nights out on patrol. Jason found himself recalling his brothers and colleagues. He told her about Roy and his idiot yet at times quite genius planning and his many inventions as well as Barnes and his stubbornness to prove his worth at times. All in all it had been a great night as Debbie slowly but surely fell asleep. Not such a bad birthday after all. Maybe even her favorite birthday. 

A real drag to write this filler chapter but @Lea_Selina I'm sure you caught the nod I made toward a certain character. Have an awesome week!

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