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Avery Donavon

After we finish eating dinner, my father and I go for a walk through the woods. When I exhale I can see my breath. The night air is cold and it makes me wish I brought my gloves. He walks a few steps ahead of me, clearing the path of fallen branches and debris. I haven't seen Reign since Christmas. I couldn't; I didn't know what to do. I have to stay away from her. It's for her own safety.

"We'll have to come upthis way with the dirt bike tomorrow," he says.
"Yeah, I can finally use agood helmet again." I laugh. It's quiet out here. Almost too quiet. But that'snot unusual. We're in the middle of nowhere, surrounded by lake and forest. Noone is out here but us. That's how it's always been and that's how it willalways be. I used to hate being so secluded from the rest of the world, but nowI kind of like it. It's peaceful; gives you some privacy.
"How are the girls?" I ask. Idon't want to only ask about Reign. It will be too obvious.
"About as fine as they canbe," he chuckles. "Except Reign," he stops walking and turns to me. "I heardyou haven't been down to see her lately. What is wrong with you? She needs foodand water, son. It's your job to check on them."
"I know. I'm sorry. I've justbeen busy lately, that's all."
"Have you seen Tori?"
"A bit."
"More than Reign?"
I shrug. He shakes his headand laughs. "You're not going to believe what that one did last night,"
"Who, Tori?"
"No," he pauses. "Reign."
My heart sinks but I try notto let on any signs that I'm too concerned. "What happened?"
He laughs again as he movesanother branch out of the way. "She tried to make a run for it,"
"Mhm. The girl is desperate.And she clearly doesn't learn."
I clench my fists. What iswrong with her? She could have gotten herself killed. She's probably anxiousdown there. And lonely. This is my fault. I should have been there for her. Andnow she's going off the deep end.
"Eh son?" my father's wordssnap me back to reality.
"What did you say, sorry?"
"I said her time is runningup, that one."
"I'm getting tired of her.She's disobedient. Doesn't like to listen to me. And she forgets who's incharge here."
"She's persistent, that's all.You used to like that in her,"
"Meh," he says. "I have afeeling hunting season will approach sooner this year,"
My heart picks up speed. "Howsoon? I mean, so I know when we will be going out next?"
"Maybe within the next fewdays," he says nonchalantly as he kicks the ground with his heavy boots.
Fuck. "Oh, it's just... I thought you really liked this one,"
He turns to look at me. "I didAvery. But all good things have to come to an end some time," he turns backaround and continues walking forwards. When I don't answer him, he startsagain. "Hey, you're not getting too attached to this one, are you now?"
"What?" I quickly try to covermy surprise with a cough. "No. Why would you think that?"
He laughs to himself. "We justwouldn't want another Breanne situation, now would we?"

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