First Day of School

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Lillian's POV

It was monday the first day at new school for me and my two brothers. Chase and Zuko were ready to go after breakfast. While I gave my hair one last brush before existing the bathroom. 

I waved to my Mum as Zuko dragged me to where Chase's waiting in his car. He drove us to school which was the Upper Dublin High School. It was lucky my family had a lot of money, because this was a private school.

I hated how girls had to wear dresses and skirts. So I just wore the school shorts and pants. I only wear dresses when I have too. The headmaster gave me permission to wear them as long as they were school ones. My uniform was black dress pants, white under shirt, black jacket with school logo on it and dress shoes.

But only when other schools visited or we had special visitors from the broad of directors. Other wise we could wear want ever we wanted to wear. So today I wore dark blue jeans, white tank top, black sneakers and black leather jacket.

Chase and Zuko both wore dark jeans, white shirt, dark sneakers and leather jackets. Except Chase wore a grey leather jacket and Zuko wore a brown one. Zuko also had darker hair then Chase and I.

When we got to school we went to the reception area to get our schedules. We all had the same classes except they had P.E and History while I had Biology and Chemistry. Zuko lead us to our home room which was also our English room.

Class started and the teacher Miss Stevens asked us to introduce ourselves to the class. Chase stood up first being the oldest of the three of us. "My name is Chase Pyro and I am 17 years old. I like sports and if any guy comes near my little sister. Their dead" he finished simply before sitting down.

I rolled my eyes punching his arm as Zuko stood up to introduce himself. "My name is Zuko Pyro and I am also 17 years old. I like history, writing and I agree with my brother. No guy goes near my sister unless they want to be hurt."

After he finished I punched his arm and stood up to introduce myself. "My name is Lillian Pyro, but please call me Lily. I am also seventeen like my two brothers as we are triplets. Don't listen to my brothers about to guy thing. Because if any guy misses with me I kill them first. I like swimming, science and animals" I stated as I high fived Zuko taking my seat.

Then the door opened and I smelt a strange scent, it smelt like the forest and LUX cologne. "Sorry I am late teach, but I over slept" a sexy voice said. I turned to the door and saw a guy standing there. A guy with jet black messy hair and electric blue eyes.

"That is fine Kyle, class this year a senior will be helping me ran my class. This is Kyle Wolf and he will be in here twice a week. Now Kyle expect you to show the three new kids around school and to answer their questions" Miss Stevens told everyone. But pointed the last sentence to the handsome boy.

Who turned to look at me and my siblings. My brothers glared at the guy as he stared at me. My fox Red was very happy for some reason, but I couldn't understand want she was saying. Class finished and Kyle showed us to our next class, before heading to his class.

It was now lunch time and my brothers shared a table with me. Kyle walked over and invited me to sit with him. But I declined the offer wanting to sit with my brothers. He looked crest fallen as he walked to his table.

"His a werewolf they all are" Zuko told us pointing to the table Kyle went to. The rest of the day went smoothly. Kyle tried to offer me a ride home but Chase dragged me to his car. When we got home I went to find my Mum to ask her about mates.


Picture of Lillian's new school above

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