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Lily was now three months pregnant and due to give birth in about 8 weeks. She is ion her fox form, but has helped design the nursery. Kyle and her family were her connection to the human world. She splits her time between being at her & Kyle's house or decorating the den with blankets, pillow and towels.

She has made a bed/nest to give birth in and will make it bigger when it is time for her to give birth. Both the pack and fox doctor believe Lily is going to have wolf pups. With how strong their kicks are and how big they are.

Kyle tries to spend as much time with Lily as possibly. While juggling his alpha work, until his Father took over the load. So the soon to be parents could spend time together before the birth of their children.

Kyle proposed to Lily the day before she took her fox form before she gives birth. He got both her brothers and Dads blessing to propose. Lily said yes of course and they planned on getting married after the children are born. They were going to wait until the children shifted into their human forms.

Both their mothers are planning something for the wedding. Only the testers so that all the couple has to do is decide want they want. Lily will also have to choose her dress and bridesmaid dresses. Kyle is organizing the honeymoon by himself and won't tell anyone where he plans on taking Lily.

Right now Lily is sunning herself near a lake on a flat rock to warm herself up in this cold weather. As it was winter and snow had fallen already. Kyle was out hunting for their lunch. Lily was almost asleep when she heard a deep growl behind her.

She turned and saw a rouge snarling at her as it crouched lowly ready to bounce. Lily started to back away slowly growling. Suddenly a more threatening sounded behind her. As she turned to see who it was the rouge lunged at her neck.

The other dark grey wolf attacked the rogue before he got close to Lily. That is when Lily released the dark grey wolf was her mate Kyle. Only his wolf Grey was in charge at the moment. Grey killed the other wolf easily before walking over to Lily.

Who had a strong urged to submit to her mate a cower away from him. But she stood her ground as he checked her for injuries. Before leading her back to the house for the night. Usually Lily would sleep in the den now a days, but Grey thought it was best she slept inside tonight.

Lily had made a bed/nest in their room for when she feels tired inside. Grey carried her upstairs placing her on the bed. Before shifting into his human to go take a shower. When he was done he came out of the bathroom with boxers on showing off his six pack.

"I think it is time for your bath my little fox" he told Lily as he picked her up gently. Both her and Red purred contently from being in their mates arms. He placed her in the already prepared bath before washing her soft fur.

When he finished he dried her off before she walked back into the bedroom. She curled up in her bed and asked 'please sleep near me tonight?' Kyle agreed to and shifted into his wolf form and curled up around his pregnant mate. He licked her cheek and lightly nuzzled her pregnant bell. As their children kicked around happily at their parents closeness.

(7 weeks later)

Lily could pearly walk under her weight now as she was due to give birth any day now. Kyle carried her everywhere and spent time with her 24/7. He didn't want to miss anything. There had been no more rogues sighted in the area.

However, Kyle feared for the protection of his family. So he decided to get Lily to use her inside bed/nest for the birth. Lily wasn't happy at first wanting her kids to experience the forest from the moment they are born. So they made a compromise they made an other den in their backyard. Where Lily will give birth and raise their kids for the first few months of their lives.

Lily was watching Kyle play with his little sister Molly at the moment. When Lily first became pregnant she hated having other females around her and her mate. It is a protective instinct all pregnant shifters have. To ensure the safety of their offspring.

The only one both her and Red never saw as a threat was little Molly. Who was to young to have kids of her own. So both doctors used Molly as an apprentice until Lily felt comfortable letting them near her. Kyle was always there to make sure she didn't attack anyone.

Lily didn't even let their mothers get near her. The only shifters she allowed near were her brothers, mate and both their fathers. It is also about her instinct to protect her offspring to have strong males near her.

Lily watched as Molly tried to tackle Kyle to the ground smiling in content. With her birth so near both her brothers were here also. They kept watched over the small group. Suddenly Lily felt pain in her stomach and something wet between her back legs.


Picture of angry Grey above and picture of the rogue on the external link

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