Bear and Wolf Pup

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Lillian's POV

We arrived in Dublin late last night and I wanted to explore the forest. I woke up early the next day to do just that. I left a note so my parents and brothers wouldn't worry.

I went out into the backyard which was connected to the forest. I quickly undressed and shifted into my fox form. I stretched my new body as my fox 'Red' greeted me. Then I took off sprinting into the forest alone.

After an hour I found a beautiful clearing near the werewolf territory. I sunning myself when I heard a pup cry for help. My instincts took over as I ran into the wolves territory, even though my Dad told me to never go there without permission.

When I came to another clearing with a lake and waterfall. I saw a wolf pup trying to avoid getting mauled by a bear. I leaped onto the bears back biting its thick neck.

It growled angered and tried to shake me off but I held on. I had distracted the bear from the defenseless pup. But now I was the one in danger of being hurt or killed.

The bear through me off his back and I collided with a tree. I groaned in pain as the bear advanced towards me. I then darted under its stomach and started to claw at it.

This got the bear to stand up on its hind legs exposing the weakness part of its neck. I jumped and bite into its neck again this time harder.  But this time I was in range of its claws.

So it raised its paw swapping me off it scratching my shoulder. As I collapsed from the pain I noticed the bear advance on the pup again. Why was it still here? I thought as I leaped in front of the pup growling at the bear.

Suddenly a large wolf appeared and attacked the bear distracting it. I took the opportunity to make sure the pup was alright. I noticed it was a girl and I nudged her towards a tree. She got my idea and hid under the roots.

I then turned back to the fight knowing the pup was safe for now. I watched in awe as the wolf fought the bear. After a while he finally killed it without receiving any injury.

I was a little jealous he came out unharmed while I had scratch marks on my shoulder. I encouraged the pup to come out as the wolf walked over to us. The pup ran to the older wolf who checked her for injuries.

Then I heard a fox call it was my Dad so I fled the scene. Not stopping as the wolf watched me and barked to get my attention. It looked like it wanted to follow me. I shook my head at it and pointed to the pup. Before I run/limped to where my Dad was waiting on the back porch.

He was mad until he saw I was injured. Mum appeared as Dad carried me inside to my room. Mum got me to shift once Dad left. She tended to my wound and then told me to shower and rest. I did as I was told.


Picture of Lillian's fox form above

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