Twins First Birthday

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It was Tim and James were turning one toady. They can walk and have said their first words. Tim's first word was 'Mama' and James's was 'Papa'. Lily and Kyle have been married for six months now. Everything is going well with both the pack and family.

Both Chase's and Zuko's mate are pregnant & are due to give birth in about four months time. Sarah is 5 days pregnant and will shift soon. But she wants to stay human for the twins birthday. With both the pack and family expanding however, they need more territory.

Luckily they were surrounded by free land so have expanded the pack borders. Kyle let the wolf council know of the expansion. The fox council keeps in contact with the pack as there are foxes in it and also kept up to date with how things are going in the pack.

The twins have more of their own personality now and are both trouble makers. Lily can see them being pranksters in the future especially James. Tim is the quietest out of the two boys. But is the strongest, nicest and most caring he always stands up for his brother or when someone is in danger. James causes trouble anywhere he goes and is the smartest of the two boys.

Lily was preparing breakfast the morning of the kids birthday. Making their favorites while Kyle did some Alpha work at the kitchen counter. Tim and James walked into the room smiling. Their parents have been telling them want a birthday is for the past week and were excited for the party.

They both wanted presents and to play games. Kyle's Mother their Grandmother was making their birthday cake. The whole pack was invited to the party, that would start at one o'clock. It was only nine at the moment.

After breakfast Lily gave her sons a bath, helped them dress and then got ready herself. Kyle was already dressed and saw to the last minutes party decoration with Sarah.  The boys followed their Mama (Lily) downstairs into the backyard. The guests arrived and the party started with some kids music playing in the background.

The kids played tag while the parents watched them fondly. Both the grandmothers took lots of pictures of Tim and James. When it was time for the cake they all gathered around the table. It was a chocolate cake decorated blue, brown and white. There were two minnie cakes with the boys name on them.

Lily held Tim as Kyle held James and his Father light the candle. Lily's Dad lead the Happy Birthday song while the grandmothers continued to take photos. Then Lily and Kyle helped their two sons blow out the candle as everyone cheered.


Picture of the twins birthday cake above.

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