Spending the Day Together

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Lily woke up the day after her family dinner with her mates family. She smiled as she got out of bed stretching. Then had a shower  before deciding to wear track pants, tank top and denim jacket to school.

She blow dried her hair and brushed it leaving it down. Lily was excited about Kyle picking her up for school. She put on the necklace he gave her last night smiling at their names.

When she got downstairs her brothers were already eating breakfast. Their parents weren't home as they both had work. Her Mum owned a flower shop and her Dad is now a fireman.

Lily just finished eating her weetbix when the doorbell rang. Chase went to answer it as she rinsed her bowl. "Lily lover boy's here" her brother said in a sing song voice. Lily blushed not turning around as Kyle hugged her waist.

"Morning my beautiful Flower" Kyle said kissing her forehead. As her brothers made fake gagging noises. Lily gave Kyle a confused look and he said "that is your nickname from now on". She blushed as her brothers teased her and Kyle who seemed an effected by it.

"Guys that's enough, do I have to call Mum?" Lily asked sweetly. But her voice had a serious undertone. They stopped teasing. "You ready to go to school Wolfie?" she asked her mate sweetly.

He cringed "please don't call me that and I was thinking we could skip school to get to know each other better" Kyle suggested.

"No that is your nickname and I don't know, I don't think we were doing anything important today in school." Lily said looking thoughtful she had a secret talk with her brothers through their mind link. They agreed to cover for them but we had to be home before my parents.

"Ok we'll skip, but we have to be back before 5 so my parents don't notice. My brothers will cover for us at school" Lily told Kyle. Who smiled and thanked her brothers for covering for them both. He took lily's hand as they said their goodbyes and dragged her to his car.

Kyle took Lily to the shopping center and they looked at movies & games. He wouldn't let her pay for anything as guys had to pay for everything on a date. But when he wasn't looking she brought a new 3Ds game by herself.

They went to the food court for lunch and she ordered a pretzel with an ice coffee. They played twenty questions and Lily found out his favourite colour was green. He also love martial arts, swimming, games and movies. Kyle found out Lily's favourite colour was red and liked swimming, reading and looking after animals.

After lunch he took her to the local library and payed to get her a membership card. She borrowed the latest Harry Potter book to read. Kyle then took her to the cinema to watch the Shallows.

He was hoping for her to get scared so he could hold her close. But she wasn't scared easily by these sort of movies. However, she enjoyed being close to her mate. So she sat in his lap with his arms around her well they watched the movie.

When the movie was over Kyle took her to an arcade and won a toy wolf for her. It looked a lot like his wolf form. Then it was time for Lily to go home. He walked her to the doorstep before kissing her on the her lips gently which she returned happily.

Kyle left and she entered the house Zuko gave her the work from her classes. She groaned she hated doing homework but Chase made her do it before their parents got home. Her parents got home at the same time and they had dinner together as a family. Lily went to sleep next to her new wolf toy she named 'Wolfie'.


Picture of Lily's locket above but her name and Kyle's name engraved in it instead of Romeo and Juliet.

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