The Test: Part 1

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Lily's POV

I woke up in the forest next to my sleeping mate as someone tried to mind link me. I stretched as I let the person speak. 'It is time for your test' my Dad told me and immediately stood up my body tense. Kyle woke up when I did this and gave me a confused look.

But I ignored him leaving the den heading back to our house to change. He followed me and tried to contact me. However, I was busy discussing my test with my Dad.

Every shifter has to past a test at some stage in their life. Most shifters have their own type of test. Cat shifters have to make a hunt and kill by themselves to prove they can provide food. Wolves have two different tests to prove their fighting skills in both their animal and human forms. Flying and swimming shifters usually go on a journey of some sorts.

However, fox shifters have test to strengthen their weakest point. My brothers already passed theirs. Chase was a test of his patience and Zuko was a test of strength. My parents also passed theirs, Dads was surviving his worst nightmares and my Mums was a test of her weakness. But majority of the time it can take days for someone to past a test. Some never pass it and end up dying.

The fox council have made my test and will be the ones testing me in a special simulation. That is how we past our test we face our worst nightmare or test of our weakness. It is simulation, but everything feels real. Because of an injection they give you. During the test we are heavily restrained so that we don't hurt ourselves or anyone else.

I changed into dark blue jeans, black boots and grey top. Kyle shifted back as well and demanded "want's wrong?" as he put on his own clothes. I gave him a blank look as I brushed my hair into a low ponytail. Other shifters are forbidden to know want the foxes do for their test.

So I simply said "it is time for my test, my Dad will pick me up in five. To take me to the fox council to under go the test". When I finished explaining he finally understood the importance. The test is a right of passage for all shifters if they wish to be respected by our kind.

A car horn went off at the front of the house and I went to the door. Kyle grabbed my hand and said "I'm coming too".

"You cannot, even though you are my mate it is still forbidden for other shifters to know of our test. It is secrete" I told him as he let go of my hand looking hurt. I sighed and said "we are fully bonded though and our children maybe foxes. It is only fair you know of our tradition" I took his hand and dragged him behind me. While he smiled like an idiot.

My Dad said nothing as he drove us (Mum, Chase, Zuko, Kyle and I) to the location where the test will take place. We weren't going to the councils head quarters otherwise it wold take us hours to get there. Some council members have set up a testing area somewhere near my parents house.

We got there and Kyle helped me out of the car. He kept an arm around me as we followed my family. Mum knocked on the door and it opened to revel a stern looking women. She invited us in, but gave an odd look to Kyle. "Want is that wolf doing here? Outsiders are forbidden" she snarled.

"He is my mate and we completed the process last night. He has the right to know want our children will go through. If they are a fox like me" I stated and she nodded in understanding. She apologized for being rude as it has been a long time since there were shifters of two different kinds being mates.

An other fox shifter chained me to a chair. Kyle growled and tried to stop the man from doing so. But my brothers held him back and I told him it was ok. He calmed down and was taken into a different room.

Where he and my family will wait for me to complete my test. They would also be able to see my test on a screen."You have my permission to restrain my mate or knock him out" I told the doctor who nodded. She gave me the injection and I went into a deep sleep as my test began.


Lily's outfit minus watch and beanie above

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