Chapter 2

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I'd like to dedicate this chapter to family_girl9 for being the first person to ever vote and comment on one of my stories! I also would like to thank again family_girl9 AmyJean1959 and @KittyMuffin11 for adding my story to your reading lists! It's the first time something like this has ever happened to me and it has made me write the next chapter quickly! Thanks a whole bunch!

I'd also like to warn for strong language, blame Sangs evil mum, Gabe and North mostly...

Okay so here's the chapter >.<

I wake up and am confused to see some slightly damp cloths hanging in my closet. The memory of her ruining my 'night away' floods back to me and I justify the pain at my hip. I look to my hands and hip and sigh.

I should probably do something about them.

I open up my first aid kit and acknowledge that this will be the last of my bandages. I'll have to steal some from the school since there is no way anybody will buy one for me.

I disinfect my hands and hip, used to the pain of the medicine. Wrapping them up I grin. Maybe I could pretend I'm actually a kick boxer, taping up my hands for my next fight.

Sang Sorenson - undefeated!

As if.

I smile to myself, probably for the only time today, and contemplate leaving the house to visit the woods.

I get dressed and put on my horrible shoes before going downstairs. But alas, the monster shouts for me.

"SAANGGG!" I hear her screech. What does she want? She's perfectly healthy and I see no reason as to why I am the one that she picks on.

I silently mount the stairs before opening the door.

"Make me breakfast you unworthy whore. I expect eggs and toast ready for the entire family. Today we'll be shopping for new school cloths for my daughter." I nod and scurry out.

New cloths for Marrie meant, indirectly, new cloths for me.

I get all of Marries hand me downs so that means I'll be getting short shorts, jeans and some nice skirts that I've been wanting since she bought them. I've always known they'll come to me eventually so I didn't fret. They were all knee/thigh length, depending on where you wore them on your waist.

I went down stairs again, quickly making three servings of the eggs with a little left over. After they ate and left, the entire house was locked up- meaning I couldn't escape. I sighed and ate the leftover eggs happily. Sometimes Marrie asks for seconds just so I don't get any food, but recently she has started watching her weight.

I go upstairs to my bedroom and turn my stereo on so that I don't need to listen to the silence in the house.

I read. I know it sounds boring but it's the only thing I have left to do with my time. It's not like I'm allowed to join any clubs or anything.

Hours pass and I've finished the book. I hear a knock on the door as the car pulls up. I scurry to the stairs eager to get unloading the car out of the way.

That is, until I hear his voice.

"Sorry ma'am, I thought you were home. I came to see if your daughter is alright, my dog seemed to do a number on her yesterday and she wouldn't let me help her out. Would you mind if I checked her out to make sure she's okay?"

No. Nonononononononono.

Does he want me to die?

I listen to my mothers response.

"Oh, you mean Marrie? When did you get hurt dear?" My mother asks her confused.

"I'm sorry, but you must be mistaken. I haven't met you before." Marrie says in a firm voice.

"Yes, you haven't met me. It was the other girl that lives here- although I didn't catch her name?" He asks freely.

I wince.

"I have no other daughter. You have the wrong house." My mother says in a strained voice and I flinch.

Please no.

"Sorry to be such a bother." He says in a confused voice. He must've seen me come out of the house yesterday or something.

My mother enters the house and glares at me.

"You whore! You snuck out of the house to meet a boy? Whoring around and the school year hasn't even started! Get to the kitchen and on your knees!" She screems at me as she walk ahead of me. I hear Marrie snicker as I follow with my head bent.

I grudgingly get onto my knees and listen to her move around the kitchen, pouring something.

Oh nonononono, this is the worst punishment she's ever given to me. Well, this and the rice.

She yanks my hair, dragging me closer to the counter and ripping at my head more then necessary. I know better then to cry out though. She forces a cup to my mouth but I don't open them. I guess the rebellion I felt yesterday has carried on to today as well.

"Open up you fucking slut!" She screams into my ear. I wince as she yanks my hair and forces the liquid down my throat. I stand and throw up in the sink- but its too late as the damage has been done. I feel the burn in my throat as she shoves me back to my knees.

"Stay until your father get home you little shit."

As she leaves I sigh, wincing as the air passes through my throat. I'm not going to be able to utter a single noise for a long while- that was the most she has ever forced me to drink. It feels like my throat is on fire.

Hours pass and I amuse myself by listening to music in my head. Finally my father arrives home and completely bypasses me. As soon as he is gone I scurry silently to my bedroom.

I lay down in bed and cry. I know it isn't that boys fault but it hurts. His actions hurt me. I can't even cry without the pain envisioning me over and over again- as if I had only just drank it.

I don't even know what she puts inside of it.

Finely I fall asleep, although it's extremely dark outside when I do.

I wake up with a jerk, although I don't cry out- partially due to my throat and mainly due to the training I've had to go through.

I have terrible nightmares. They've been there for as long as I can remember. If I cry out I get punished for it, do I eventually stopped doing it.

Tonight I had dreamt about a shadow chasing me through the woods. Shivering I notice how dark it is out side of my window. Knowing I won't be able to get back to sleep I start sorting through the pile of cloths Marrie has dumped onto my floor.

I see a whole bunch of skirts in different shapes and patterns and smile softly. I change into a dark blue skirt and a white short sleeved shirt.

I slipped on my worn sneakers and brushed my hair silently. I clipped it back and winced as I breathed deeply and my throat burned.

Today I would be choosing my classes. Hopefully that boy isn't attending my school this year.

Sorry it took ages to post this! My birthday was yesterday (the 27th) and since my parents are slipped it took a couple of days to see everyone. I've also been really sick lately.

Comment your thoughts please!

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