Chapter 23

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AN: Thank you guys so much for reassuring me about the way I write Uncle/Henry :) Again, the default apology applies but I am on holidays again and forcing myself to write chapters whilst waiting for my new episodes to download  xD

I wake up, changing into a pair of jeans and a thin shirt, I wasn't sure what would be happening in particular today. I went down stairs, forgetting that I normally wait for Luke and North to leave. Following my nose I hop up onto one of the bench seats before realising that those boys were in the kitchen, making some scrambled eggs and toast together.

"Grab some more butter if you've run out, idiot." North grumbled to his brother who was pouting at a stack of toast. He wanders to the fridge and gets some butter, only noticing me when he stands up from the fridge and closes the door.

"Sang! Hungry?" He grins at me, picking his toast up and bringing it over to the counter I am sitting at. I smile hesitantly and nod at them. Henry is probably right, but I can't bring myself to fully trust them yet. But Henry raised them so they can't be that bad... Uhh I don't know!

I listen, smiling becoming less forced as Luke takes it upon himself to tell me all about their day yesterday. He seems to take my unusual presence this morning as an indication that I was warming up to them. I don't know if it is, but I don't know if it isn't...

Who knew I was so indecisive?

"And so I told Mr Blackbourne that obviously I didn't eat all of the takeout without telling any-"

Giggling, I watched as North scowled and cut Luke off.

"If leaving half a serving of noodles in the fridge means not eating all the take-out then sure."

The way these boys are acting is fascinating, and also causing me to laugh, not something I've been doing often.

We eat quietly, when we finish the boys have to head to school.

"Bye Sang! I wanna stay but my Mean Little Brother won't let me." Luke pouts as North rolls his eyes.

"Bye Sang Baby."

I wave, blushing a little as they left. Baby? Do all  boys call random girls these couple names? Honestly I'm starting to wish that I had more social experience.

 I clean up the dishes before heading into the study to work until Henry was ready to do some baking.

After a few hours I exit the study, only because I could here Henry calling out to me from the tv.

"Sang we need this vacuum cleaner! Call in now and we'll get another half priced! help me find the phone, quick!" I sigh, observing Henry's frantic search from my position in the doorway. Calmly I retreat to the cupboard before retrieving the vacuum cleaner and carrying it into the room.

"Henry you bought one of those the day I arrived here, giving the free second one to your female friend."

He stops, half falling off the couch as he checks in the cabinet. I honestly don't know why he didn't stand up to look. He pauses to scratch his head, muttering an 'oh.' as he sat back down.

He smiles sheepishly at me before changing the channel to an Australian cooking show, Masterchef. 

I put the device away before joining Henry on the sofa, watching in awe as the 'home chefs' create meals with the precision of a hundred years of practice. What I want to know is why they always add twists to the meals they've never tried before, doesn't it make more sense to create the dish you've been practicing the last 15 years? The one you know already tastes amazing?

The add break appears and we bounce right on into a conversation.

"So, dear, have you thought much about what I said last night?" Softly, delicately, this question is handed to me like a new born baby, scared to break something. 

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