Chapter 7

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Does it annoy anyone else on here that the seven doesn't have that half line in the middle?

Sangs POV

Saturday and I've yet again had only one hour of sleep. I quickly dress in my usual shirt and skirt, clipping my dirty blood hair back. I stare at myself for a minute whilst brushing my teeth, before washing my face. Maybe I could wash away the nightmares as well.

I slip into some beat up sneakers and grab my book bag. I'll head to the library today to study and stay out of mothers way. Killing two birds with one stone.

As I enter the library I decide to do my schools course work before any extra classes and find an empty table in the middle of the library, already the books have calmed me and all I've done is smelt them.

Starting with English I put my broken headphones- passed down from Marie- in although they aren't connected to anything. Hopefully this'll deter anyone from talking to me so I won't have to lie to mother when I say I didn't talk to anyone.

I'm halfway through my history work when I feel a tap on my shoulder. I look up and am thankful it is only a younger teenage girl- I'd guess fourteen.

"Excuse me, may I sit with you? My names Jessica." She says in a warm voice, holding out her hand. I look around and am surprised at how busy the library had gotten since I arrived a few hours ago.

"O Of course. I'm Sang." I shake her hand before moving some of my stuff out of her way, somehow it had spread to cover most of the table.

"Thanks Sang. What're you studying?" She asks as she sits down and pulls out a math book for a lower year.

"Oh, just doing some homework. I assume your doing the same." I want to talk to her- I do! But it's just hard for me since most of my encounters with woman haven't been the best. I just need to think of Miss Jones.


"Yeah, I really need to bring my grade up! I'm failing math." The sadness in her voice is difficult to over look- so I don't.

"D Do you want some help with it? I'm sure I'm qualified enough.." I trail off in unease, was that the appropriate response to the question?

"You would do that?! I knew you looked like an angel! My saviour! I'm starting a religion dedicated to your awesomeness!" She exclaims, leaning across the table to hug me.

What in the world...

It takes everything in me to not flinch away from one of the few hugs I can remember receiving. Instead, I awkwardly pat her shoulder and feel myself going bright red.

Settling in I end up helping my new friend, or who I hope is my new friend, with all of her math and even manage to help her to understand a few extra topics she would also be covering in this year of education.

"Wow, thank you so much Sang! My mums here now but I really hope to see you again. Say, could I get your phone number?" She asked, pulling out a phone. I look at it in wonder.

"Sorry Jess, I don't have a phone. But I hang around this library a lot, or I'm planning on being here a lot. So maybe I'll see you again?" I ask, hope filled. 

"Sure, I'll just rope my older brother into bringing me here more often." She tells me with a wink before hugging me and leaving with a kind lady who I could swear I've seen before. Maybe she has kids at my school and I've seen her then?

Sighing I realise that I finished all my work and move to a computer. Time to do some more learning.

After printing out a few lessons of each course to take home I wander through the shelves to find my next book.

Hmmm, how about something crime fiction? I wander to the section. letting my fingers skim the warn pages as I pass. I end up closing my eyes and choosing a random book. Might as well make things interesting.

I cheek the book out and walk home, pleasantly surprised when I see that the cars gone. Mum and Marie aren't here.

Jessica's POV

Grinning I depart from my new friend, walking towards my mum I notice that she is looking at me with a question on her face. Before she can ask I'm already answering.

"I noticed one of our new neighbours here so I sat down to have a chat. Her names Sang and I can see why Kota's so dead set on meeting her. She's a really lovely person. Wait till I get home and tell him how I managed to get help with my math homework when he seems to have trouble even talking to the girl!" Laughing I walk with my grinning parent back to the car.

Mum went out to the shops and I opted to getting picked up from the library afterwards. Definitely a good decision.

After the quick drive I notice that a few of the guys cars are in the drive. I head straight up stairs since I know all of them have been trying to talk to her and stuff. Now I see why.

"KOTA!" I shout as I thunder up his stairs without knocking. Ha, he thought a closed door would stop me.

"Hey Jess." A few of the five present guys greet me.

"Guess who just tutored me at the library?' I ask in a mischievous tone.

"Jess! You didn't tell me you had a tutor! Why wouldn't you let us do a back ground check on them first?" Victor scolds me.

"Pfft, I'm sure you've all stalked this person enough as it is. You guys are obsessed with her, and now I can see why. She is very smart and beautiful and kind. Why, I just spent the past hour with no one other then THE Sang!" I crackle with laughter  before leaving the room. They'd all turned down the invite to accompany me to the library and now they'd be disappointed in themselves that they had. I did hear about the fallout of the meeting- even Nathen is planning on catching the bus from now on so that he can 'get to know her'. Pfft, we all know that he just wants an excuse to flirt with her while the others aren't around.

The way they all react whenever I mention the neighbours is, I admit, hilarious. I just hope it doesn't turn my brothers group inside out. Because despite my cruelty towards them, I know that they'll always be a part of my family.

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