Chapter 4

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I sigh, looking into the mirror at my clothing choice for the first day of school. I plan on blending in so I put on the most neutral cloths I could find. Black skirt and a light blue long sleeved shirt will suffice. I clip my hair back in its normal twist and grab my worn backpack.

I would sigh but it still hurts to talk much, and I plan on saving my voice incase any teacher forces me to speak despite my forged doctors note.

I exit the house to my sister on the bus, which just pulled away. Well then, it looks like I'm walking. I follow the path that I memorised in case of such an event, it wasn't uncommon for me to walk especially when I knew Marie liked to tell the bus driver I wouldn't be on that day.

I got to school before the buses started to pull in and pull out my timetable so I can head straight to Homeroom.

Hmm... Looks like I need to find room 135..

I enter the school and the halls are already at the level of people they were at my old school. I thought the buses hadn't come yet? How big was this school?

It takes me some time, but eventually I do find my way to homeroom- where I confront the bored teacher with my note before sitting at an empty space in the middle, a desk away from the door wall. I prefer to sit in this seat, I'm not cornered and not everyone can see me, but it isn't noticeable where I sit and I'm close to the exit and entrance for if I ever leave early or enter late.

As I was saying- the seat is perfect.

I sighed, remembering the events of the past few days, it's been the longest I've ever gone without being physically able to talk.

After my adventurous outing down the road I'd been shouted at for making dinner late and forced to kneel on rice for a few hours- my father had come home from work early much to my favour. Although he had immediately packed his bags for a three day business trip.

Ahh, he definitely loves us Sorensen women.

The bell rang out to signal the start of class although most of the class had already filed in. Stealthily I glanced around and took note that the only two empty seats were behind and in front of me. Guess I'm just too approachable...

"Sorry we're late!" A blond boy said as both him and a stereotypical goth- although I can't see any make-up on him- entered the class. The teacher rolled his eyes before making a sweeping hand gesture. The blond sat in front of me.

Well shit, guess I'm going to have a goth breathing down my neck every day, and better yet, talking over me with the guy in front who is obviously his friend.

"Alright class, I don't give a fuck what happens in this class as long as you don't leave this room, show up, and let me do my own stuff without being a bunch of shit heads." The 'teacher' growled from the front of the class.

Okay then...

Everyone simultaneously starts talking in loud outdoors voices, almost sounding annoyed they'd had to wait that long for the teacher to say his piece.

This school is already incredibly different to my last one.

I pulled out my library book and read until the next class. I didn't talk to anyone in any of my morning classes, although I had the strange sense of someone watching me; although that can't be right. I haven't done anything to attract anyone's attention.

Luckily the feeling goes away as I enter my third class, although I continue in my solitude.
It isn't like I could talk to anyone even if I wanted to.

Nobody even looks my day twice, which is a real relief due to my predicament. Now I don't want to be seen as someone who complained often and I do want to at least try to make a friend, but I'm afraid that they'll be deterred in their approach of me if I am unable to verbally respond.

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