Chapter 3

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Soon there will be spoilers for First Days. I can't remember the separations of the books so I think I've merged Introductions and First days together kind of. If you haven't read First Days I don't know why your reading fan fiction and you should probably read that before continuing this fanfic. I'd also like for it to be reiterated that I am an Australian High Schooler and only know stuff about the American schooling system from reading on this site and from the Ghost Bird books. If any of you readers are American feel free to correct anything I write and I will change it as quickly as possible :) 

"Sang! Get down here we're leaving now!" My father shouts in an annoyed tone of voice. Yawning slightly I place my book down and walk silently down the stairs.

I tug on the skirt to try and make it cover more of my exposed leg. Even if the skirt is down to my knees I still feel the need to do so.

"Finally." My sister mutters as I slide into the back seat. The cars takes off before we start to drive and I am quick to tug it into place.

The drive is spent in silence, not that I could talk anyway. I've written out my class' that I want to take and a note explaining my inability to speak at the moment.

Apparently I've got laryngitis. A pretend doctors note and everything.

The car pulls to a stop and my father tells me to go sort my classes and to find him once I'm finished.

Quickly dashing to the Sophomore line I keep my body positioned in a manner to keep it as small as possible, especially since the halls are already extremely crowed and more people are entering still.

I am half way down the line when somebody shoves me out of the way, causing me to crash into someone. I quickly tighten my self and mutter a hoarse 'sorry'.

"Watch where you're going girl. What's your name?" I hear a formal voice sneer down at me. I look up to him and he looks like a teacher- his badge says vice principal.

"S Sang Sorenson sir." I scratch out, handing him my doctors note.

"Well, your skirt is too short for this schools guidelines. Go home and change."

I just stare at him wide eyed.

"Mr McCoy!" I hear a chirpy voice call out. Who is this?

"Mrs Johnson, what is it?" He says gruffly, turning his attention to the nice looking teacher.

"I couldn't help but notice you harassing this poor girl for her skirt. Don't want to scare a good student away from our school now do we Mr McCoy?" She says in a pointed tone.

"Excuse me Mrs Johnson but I am the vice principal here and I will run my school as I please." He sneers at her.

"Well, this young lady is well within the skirt restrictions- I suggest you look at that group of girls to your left if you want to scold someone for uniform infringements. For now, I need this young lady to come with me." And with that Mrs Johnson gently tugs my wrist to prompt me to follow her.

I stumble along, not turning back to the strange man who I could feel staring at me still.

"Now, what's your name?" Mrs Johnson asks once we reach an office, presumably hers.

I hand her the paper that says I've got laryngitis before writing my name out on a new sheet.

"Pleased to meet you dear- I hope you get better soon. For now though why don't we complete your schedule here?"

I nod and sit in front of her desk. I try to ask for more then two AP classes but she tells me I'm not able to without parent verification. I comply quickly and end up with a reasonably relaxed timetable, although I'll probably sign up for the other AP courses online.

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