Chapter One

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"I'm starving..." You thought as you kept walking, you passed a restaurant and turned to stare at it. "How I wish I had money... My stupid dad had to leave me didn't he? I know we didn't have any money but he didn't have to...suicide." You thought as you teared up.

"My mother never loved me or my father, she told me I was an accident and she left us at her first opportunity." You thought as tears now fell down your cheeks. "I...I...maybe my father did the right thing..." You thought as you wiped away your tears. "Maybe I should do the same..." You thought as you turned around and continued walking.

"Great, now I have this dumb headache." You thought as you stopped walking and touched your forehead. "I have a fever." You thought. "Now the world...its spinning." You thought as you collapsed and embraced the darkness.

~With Tomoe~

"Oh! Tomoe, we should visit Kotarou's restaurant! I have a craving for sushi today." Nanami told Tomoe as she kept skipping, she suddenly stopped. "What wrong, Nanami?" Tomoe asked her, concerned. She pointed in a direction and there was a human girl about the same age as Nanami on the ground unconscious.

"Oh my god." Nanami told the fox as she teared up. "That's so sad, that reminds me of when I was homeless... We gotta help her." Nanami said as she walked towards the girl. She then tried to pick the girl up, she couldn't but the girls shirt went up a bit, it was now above her belly button. "That's even worse... Tomoe, come look at her stomach." Nanami told him as she beckoned him forward, he sighed.

"What is it-whoah. That's not good. I can see her ribcage so clearly." He said as he put a hand on her forehead. "She's burning up." He thought aloud. "Why does this concern me so much?" Tomoe thought as he looked at the girl, she had silky hair and skin that was incredibly soft.

"We should take her home." Nanami told Tomoe as she lifted the girls arm and put two fingers near her vein. "She still has a pulse but it's really slow. We have to take her to a hospital Tomoe." Nanami told him as she stood from her crouching position. "No, I can take of her at home." Tomoe told her as he picked the girl up bridal style, letting his human disguise drop he turned to Nanami.

"I will go on ahead, she needs to be treated immediately." Tomoe told Nanami as he looked at her waiting for her permission, Nanami nodded in approval and with that Tomoe ran and jumped through trees until he arrived at the Mikage Shrine.

"Tomoe! Where's Nanami-no! What happened to Nanami? Why is she so different? What did you do to her you fox?!" Mizuki yelled the second he saw the girl in Tomoe's arms. "Mizuki, go guide Nanami home. I have to help this girl as soon as possible." Tomoe told Mizuki as he ran to his own room.

He set her down on his futon and got some of Nanami's clothes. "Since she is so thin they should fit." He thought as he started undressing the girl, when he took of her shirt he slightly blushed at the sight but then remembered his mission.

After he undressed her he got her dressed in new clothes, he carried her to Nanami's futon and set her down on it. "When she awakens I shall have her meal prepared. It's confuses me how much I care for this girl when I don't even know her." Tomoe thought as he sat near the futon.

When Nanami and Mizuki arrived they checked on the girl and proceeded to sleep. The whole day had gone by quickly because of the mysterious girl. While Nanami and Mizuki were gone, Nanami had bought clothes for the girl. "She will live with us from now on." Nanami told her familiars. "All we have to do is hope the girl wakes." Tomoe thought.

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