Chapter Thirty

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"Akina?" Kuro asked as all demons stopped fighting. "What?!" Akina's voice exclaimed through you. "Explain! I want (y/n) back!" Yuri said expectantly.

"If you insist on an explanation I shall give one. Whenever your dear (y/n)'s life is in danger, I come out to protect her from dying. I am basically her life guardian." Akina said sighing, she turned to Zankokuna.

Akina took one of your daggers and raised it above Zankokuna, she quickly brought it down so it could kill Zankokuna.


"Don't do it." Mizuki said grabbing your hand. "How did you stop that? I am unstoppable..." Akina asked, looking at the snake demon. "Oh! So you're my dear (y/n)'s mate." Akina said sarcastically. "Let my hand go." Akina exclaimed angrily.

Zankokuna was clueless. Who was the snake demon? Who's Akina? Life guardian? Not that she cared but she was intrigued. "He's arrived! My master has arrived!" She suddenly exclaimed looking up. Everyone else was clueless. Did she mean Akura-ou? They all looked up.

Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, Nanami, Tomoe, Kurama, and Akina looked up. There he was, the red-head demon king. "We were too late! He's gotten his original body back! We must defeat him!" Akina yelled worriedly. "Agreed." Yuri, Kuro, and Sutekina said getting in battle position.

Nanami, Tomoe, and Mizuki were clueless. "Okay, if you want to live happily with (y/n) we must defeat Akura-ou!" Akina told Mizuki worriedly. "You seem so familiar..." A voice said next to Akina.

"It can't be! Its...Tomoe..." Akina thought, her legs becoming jelly the second she thought of him. "It's not important! We must defeat Akura-ou!" She exclaimed, regaining her composure. She told Mizuki and Tomoe with such a worried expression that they complied.

Akura-ou was flying above them with now healed Toraburu and Zankokuna. Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, and Tomoe were prepared for battle.

"What can we do?" Nanami asked, walking over with Kurama. "Can you fight?" Akina asked Kurama, he nodded. "Go fight with us." Akina ordered pointing towards everyone else. He spawned his wings and flew over there.

"You can try to attack Akura-ou, but don't be a bother." Akina said venomously as she walked away, leaving a hurt Nanami behind. Looking at Nanami, Akina could tell she was in love with Tomoe. She couldn't help but be jealous. Nanami was alive while she was stuck in the body of her reincarnation, being a life guardian.

Akina joined the others, preparing herself for battle. Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, Tomoe, Kurama, and Akina were ready to battle. "Fight!" Both Akura-ou and Akina yelled as both sides fought valiantly.

"We must win, so you can live in peace..."


"Don't do it." Kurama said grabbing your hand. "How did you stop that? I am unstoppable..." Akina asked, looking at the tengu. "Oh! So you're my dear (y/n)'s mate." Akina said sarcastically. "Let my hand go." Akina exclaimed angrily.

Zankokuna was clueless. Who was the this tengu? Who's Akina? Life guardian? Not that she cared but she was intrigued. "He's arrived! My master has arrived!" She suddenly exclaimed looking up. Everyone else was clueless. Did she mean Akura-ou?

Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, Nanami, Tomoe, Kurama, and Akina looked up. There he was, the red-head demon king looking down smirking. "We were too late! He's gotten his original body back! We must defeat him!" Akina yelled worriedly. "Agreed." Yuri, Kuro, and Sutekina said getting in battle position.

Nanami, Tomoe, Kurama, and Mizuki were clueless. "Okay, if you want to live happily with (y/n) we must defeat Akura-ou!" Akina told Kurama worriedly. "You seem so familiar..." A voice said next to Akina.

"It can't be! Its...Tomoe..." Akina thought, her legs becoming jelly the second she thought of him. "It's not important! We must defeat Akura-ou!" She exclaimed, regaining her composure. She told Kurama and Tomoe with such a worried expression that they complied.

Akura-ou was flying above them with now healed Toraburu and Zankokuna. Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Kurama, and Tomoe were prepared for battle.

"What can we do?" Nanami asked, walking over with Mizuki. "Can you fight?" Akina asked Mizuki, he nodded. "Go fight with us." Akina ordered pointing towards everyone else. He nodded again and ran over there.

"You can try to attack Akura-ou, but don't be a bother." Akina said venomously as she walked away, leaving a hurt Nanami behind. Looking at Nanami, Akina could tell she was in love with Tomoe. She couldn't help but be jealous. Nanami was alive while she was stuck in the body of her reincarnation, being a life guardian.

Akina joined the others, preparing herself for battle. Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, Tomoe, Kurama, and Akina were ready to battle. "Fight!" Both Akura-ou and Akina yelled as both sides clashed.

"We must win, so you can live in peace..."


"Don't do it." Tomoe said grabbing your hand. "It can't be! Its...Tomoe..." Akina thought, her legs becoming jelly the second she thought of him. "Let my hand go!" Akina exclaimed angrily.

Zankokuna was clueless. Who was this Tomoe? Who's Akina? Life guardian? Not that she cared but she was intrigued. "He's arrived! My master has arrived!" She suddenly exclaimed looking up. Everyone else was clueless. Did she mean Akura-ou?

Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, Nanami, Tomoe, Kurama, and Akina looked up. There he was, the red-head demon king looking down smirking. "We were too late! He's gotten his original body back! We must defeat him!" Akina yelled worriedly. "Agreed." Yuri, Kuro, and Sutekina said getting in battle position.

Nanami, Tomoe, Kurama, and Mizuki were clueless. "Okay, if you want to live happily with (y/n) we must defeat Akura-ou!" Akina told Tomoe worriedly, it hurt her to say that but now was not the time.

Akura-ou was flying above them with now healed Toraburu and Zankokuna. Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Kurama, and Tomoe were prepared for battle.

"What can we do?" Nanami asked, walking over with Mizuki. "Can you fight?" Akina asked Mizuki, he nodded. "Go fight with us." Akina ordered pointing towards everyone else. He nodded again and ran over there.

"You can try to attack Akura-ou, but don't be a bother." Akina said venomously as she walked away, leaving a hurt Nanami behind. Looking at Nanami, Akina could tell she was in love with Tomoe. She couldn't help but be jealous. Nanami was alive while she was stuck in the body of her reincarnation, being a life guardian.

Akina joined the others, preparing herself for battle. Yuri, Kuro, Sutekina, Mizuki, Tomoe, Kurama, and Akina were ready to battle. "Fight!" Both Akura-ou and Akina yelled as both sides clashed.

"We must win, so you can live in peace..."

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