Part 1

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"I know it's short notice...But it's important that we start as soon as possible...and we have a lot of work to get done...Ciara?...are you listening?" Niall asked me. We were sitting in my bedroom as he broke the news to me. "Please say something?" he said desperately. I shook my head. "I just...I can't believe feels like you just got back. Now you're leaving again. And not just for a few shows in the UK...For a worldwide tour...for..." I took a breath to stop myself from crying. "For eight months". My heart was breaking but I knew Niall's was too so I held it together. "Ciara?...Are you ok?" he asked putting his hand on my thigh. "What? Of course I am. This is your job. I mean, I knew what I was getting into when we started going out...I knew you wouldn't always be there with me...I just..." my voice broke. The tears started, slow at first, and then like a waterfall. "Come here" he said pulling me into his lap and put his arms around me. He let me stay like that for a while, just sitting there crying. Then he whispered to me "But I will always be there...I might not be here in person but I'm just a phone-call, or a Skype message or in serious cases, a plane ride away". I rubbed my eyes ferociously. "I know...Its just not fair. It so unfair" I cried into his chest as he stroked my hair. "I know babe...I know" he said, and I could almost feel his heart breaking with my cheek pressed up against his chest.

In less than two weeks, my boyfriend was going to be on a plane, ready for world-domination with One Direction, his band. The thoughts of not having him here with me everyday made me want to hibernate like a little animal in winter. The days passed way too quickly but I didn't cry once between when we told me he was leaving to when we stood in the airport, just me, his parents, Greg and his wife, Denise. Niall hugged Greg and his father, and kissed his mother on the cheek. Then, after they said their goodbye's they left us alone, just me and him.

"No stop. Please don't cry" Niall wiped my eye. "It's gonna work out. You'll stay here in Mullingar and study really hard for five months and then do exams and come meet me in America" he went on desperately but I couldn't stop crying. "Niall, we both know my parents have been saving for college since I was 10...We can't afford that" I sniffed shaking my head.  "I'll send money! Whatever it takes Ciara...I can't loose you", he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on the top of my head. I didn't want time to move. I wanted us to stay like that forever. My biggest fear came out of my mouth before I could stop it. "I...I just...I don't want you to forget me" I said. Niall's face fell and then broke like he wanted to burst into tears right there in the middle of the airport. "How could you even think that for a second? Ciara how could I forget you? I'm in love with you!" He said tears in his eyes. Just then, the intercom came on. "FLIGHT 199 TO NEW YORK LAST CALL". He let go of me and stood facing me, staring me straight in the eye. "Look, I don't care what it takes...In 8 months I'll be back and you'll be finished school and we can do whatever we want...Just me and you babe. We can travel the world, or elope or have babies, whatever" he said grabbing me and kissing my forehead. I laughed through my tears. I knew he had to go which made me want to hold him tighter. "I love you Ciara", a tear fell from his eye. "I love you more Niall" I sobbed. "Impossible" he grabbed me and kissed my hard and passionately making my knees buckle.

He let go and walked off to his departure gate, without looking back, because I knew he was crying.

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