Norman Imagine (pt 2)

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Holy shit! 10K reads! Thank you guys so much for reading this story and I hope you are all enjoying my writing!
In honor of 10K, I decided to give you guys a lengthy and pretty exotic and smutty imagine ☺️😏
Thank you guys so much again and enjoy! ❤️

Summary: Norman finds his girlfriend (now ex) cheating on him and is very upset. Sean tries to help him get over her by taking him to a club where he meets Y/N and is very intrigued by her.

*Mature Content*
{Disclaimer; I do not mean to make anyone sound like a slut in any way possible so please don't bash this lmao}

Norman's POV

I swallowed and let out a deep breath I hadn't realized I was holding in. He's right..I'd be crazy to turn down a woman right now. Taking the shot of vodka, I cleared my throat again and fixed my posture before standing up and adjusting my clothing before following the direction she walked in the crowd of people.

Here goes nothing..

I made my way through the crowd and stopped about halfway through as I couldn't find her. Well shit..
There goes my luck.
Suddenly, a hand slipped into mine and as I was about to tell the person I wasn't interested, I saw it was Y/N. She smirked and started to pull my hand to where we were in the middle of the club. People still crowded around us and Y/N let my hand go so I just stood there awkwardly. It wasn't that I didn't know how to dance, I just didn't know how she was wanting to dance. The music and people dancing around us gave a very slow but sexy vibe. I watched everything happen around me so intently, I didn't notice Y/N. My focus turned back to her and my god..she looked like a goddess in her tight black dress. She was now in front of me and slowly swaying her hips against mine. I started to feel my pants start to tighten as I watched her every move. I was pretty sure she could also feel it happening because she looked down then back up at me and grinned before taking my hands and placing them on her hips, slowly moving them along as if I were instructing her. Every beat the music gave, Y/N's hips were in perfect rhythm along with.
I swallows hard as I watched her slowly dance against my crotch. In the distance, I noticed Sean talking to a brunette woman at the bar before she grabbed his hand as well and started to pull him in a different direction. He looked my way and gave me the thumbs up while giving me a wide grin and happily following the woman.
"Not having much fun?" I heard the same angelic voice that belonged to Y/N ask in my ear as she spun around and lied her head on my shoulder as she still moved.
I shook my head quickly and she giggled seductively,
"Lost your voice again? I don't bite, you know."
I cleared my already dry throat,
"I-I'm just nervous." I admitted as she slowly ground her ass against me and my hands cautiously roamed her body slowly. Then, I saw her. I wished I hadn't even looked up because there, maybe 10 feet away from us was none other than Cecilia and Brandon staring right at us. When I thought it couldn't get any worse, they started coming our way and I started to panic.
"That the cheating bitch?" I was shocked at Y/N's choice of words but nodded anyways.
"Besides meeting you, looks like my night just got even better." She smirked slyly before turning back around and wrapping her arms around my neck, slowly swaying us side to side along with the music.
"What are you doing?" I asked lowly enough so she could only hear me.
"Just go with it, darlin" She giggled.
"Norman..hi." I heard the voice I now dreaded say over the music.
"Hello, Cecilia. Brandon." I nodded at him as well and looked back at Y/N who was just swaying still with her eyes closed. Cecilia cleared her throat,
"So..who's this?" She asked, gesturing to Y/N who took my hand and spun herself around to face the two.
"Oh hi! I'm Y/N!" She grinned and shook Cecilia's hand wildly.
"Cecilia.." She replied back, taking her hand and checking to make sure it wasn't broken. Brandon on the other hand, would not stop staring at Y/N's body. It really irked my due to the fact that he already took my ex but now he wants the woman who I haven't even met 30 minutes ago.
"Well it's nice to meet you, Claudia! Norman's told me all about you!" Y/N said cheerfully but I could definitely see through her lie and couldn't help but smirk down at her.
"It's Cecilia." Cecilia corrected her,
"Oh I'm sorry, Chelsea. Anyways, how long have you two love birds been together?" I shifted my weight as she spoke about them being together and started to frown more as I noticed Brandon kept staring at her,
"Uh we kinda just got together. I see Norman had no problem moving on." Cecilia rose an eyebrow and looked Y/N up and down.
"I actually came onto him. He's such an absolute sweetheart!" She smiled up at me and kissed my cheek, making me blush a deep red but thankfully the lighting in the club shielded it. The redness spread throughout my whole face as I watched Brandon's eyes scan up and down Y/N's body some more and he licked his lips.
"Hey, asshole. Her fucking eyes are up there. Not on her chest." I spat angrily at him. Cecilia scoffed and looked at Brandon who held his hands up,
"Hey man, she's hot.." He admitted and smirked at Y/N "what do you say, sweetheart? Wanna dance?"
My blood boiled even more but I calmed down as Y/N answered.
"I'm sorry. I already have a handsome man to dance with."
"What about me?? Surely you'd rather dance with me than this slut-"
I only blinked and a loud smack sounded. Cecilia's face was smacked to the side,
"Says the cheating skank who let go of an amazing man for a lowlife dick who eyes other women while with their so called girlfriend. I don't even think you realized how much of a dumbass you are for doing such a shitty thing to a man like Norman. You don't deserve a man like him. As a matter of fact, you two are perfect for each other." Y/N nodded to Brandon who stood in shock at her actions towards Cecilia. "I hope you two enjoy the rest of your night because Norman surely will be." Y/N smiled sarcastically and grabbed my hand, looking up at me.
"I think we're done. Wanna get out of here?" She asked me and I gladly accepted her offer following her out of the crowd.
We passed a drunk Sean with the woman he left the bar with and gave me a wobbly thumbs up before going back to making out with the woman.
"Looks like Sean's not coming home tonight." I mumbled while chuckling
"If you're up for it, you won't be either."
Y/N and I were now outside of the club. It was raining and a little cold outside. I stared down at Y/N as she and I were becoming soaked from the rain but neither of us cared at this moment. I hadn't realized how close we were until I felt Y/N's breath on my lips. My eyes shifted from her lip to her gorgeous (your eye color) eyes. She was so damn beautiful..
Y/N stood on the tip toe of her heels and was about to kiss me.. Or so I thought. She passed my lips and came close to my ear
"Wanna come to my place?" She asked in a low voice. I felt my cock twitch in my pants again and it soon sprang to life as it started to form a tent in my pants. Y/N giggled and cupped the crotch of my pants making me groan in pleasure,
"Trust me, baby. There will more playtime when we get to my place, okay?"
I nodded eagerly and my breathing quickened as she let go and hailed a taxi.

Norman Reedus ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant