Norman Imagine

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Summary: Y/N has been living a double lifestyle until one night, Norman finds out her secret. How will he react?

⬇️⬇️⬇️ PLEASE READ! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
So, this is another Imagine that I got as a request that I know close to almost nothing about but I did my research the best I could and am writing about this for the first time so please no hate if I got anything wrong because like I said, I know almost nothing about this lifestyle but I wanted to make the person who requested this happy as always 🙂
If you are not into/don't like anything DDLG, please do not read this imagine! Thank you!


I sighed in admiration as I scrolled through the endless pictures of pretty pink frilly dresses, pacis, stuffies, and blankies. So pretty...
I glanced over at a huge box I kept hidden in my closet and jumped up to grab my own little princess dress I purchased a while ago, throwing it on. The excitement I felt everytime I wore it came over me as I started go prance around the room cheerfully, giggling to myself. I stopped once I heard my phone ringing on mg beside table and ran to answer it. My face brightened up once I saw the name 'Norman ❤️' appear across the screen.
"Hi Daddy!" I happily spoke, only to immediately kick myself in the arse for calling him that.
"Oh uh, sorry Norm, I-I thought you were my dad calling." I lied quickly, hoping he'd fall for it.
"Oh, okay. No biggie. I kinda liked it though.." I heard the joking tone in jus voice and let out a breath laugh.
"Funny...what's up, babe?"
"Nothing much, I have the rest of the day off from filming so I was wondering if you wanted to hang out today?"
"Of course!" I smiled to myself,
"Great! I'll pick up some stuff from the store and I'll be right over."
"Okay, I love you Da--Norman." I caught myself this time before I said 'Daddy' again..
"I love you too, Babygirl. I'll see you in a bit."
I blushed a deep red as we hung up and flopped back on the bed. I somehow managed to fall hopelessly in love with Norman in the matter of months as started dating till now, 2 years later. The only thing I hated about it was I was living a different life around him. Kinda like Hannah Montana if you think about it. (Lolz)
I was into the DDLG lifestyle. I was into dressing up in pretty princess dresses, pacifiers, carrying around my blankie and even drinking from a sippy cup from time to time. I kept it from Norman because I didn't want him to think it was weird..maybe one day I could tell him but I don't think it will be any time soon.

An hour later

"Yes?" I called back to Norman who was in the kitchen,
"Chocolate or caramel?"
"Chocolate please! Ooo, and sprinkles too!" I giddily said as I scrolled through the movies on Netflix. Norman came into the room with just his pajama bottoms on and I blushed a deep red as I checked him out up and down.
"See something you like, darlin'?" He winked as he set the bowls of ice cream down on the table in front of us, making me blush darker, causing him to chuckle, "I'm kidding, love. You're so cute."
He bent down and kissed my forehead before sitting down next to me and wrapping an arm around my shoulder.
"So, what are we watching?"
"I wanted to watch this.." I said, pointing to the screen to Frozen, making Norman raise his eyebrow.
"Frozen?...really? I was thinking we could watch A Nightmare On Elm Street. It's the new one, Sean said it's pretty good!"
"I don't like scary movies.." I frowned slightly,
"Come on, babe. It's not real. It's probably not even scary--"
"I want to watch Frozen!" I frowned, crossing my arms over my chest and started to pout.
"Okay, okay.." Norman raised his eyebrow at me again then awkwardly chuckled. "I guess we'll save that one for another night. Anything you want, baby."
I silently cursed to myself as I realized I actually just threw a small fit in front of Norman. That's twice now I screwed up, I can't let him find out.
We watched Frozen happily and I was shocked Norman knew all of the words of every song.
"I knew you loved that movie." I giggled as the ending credits rolled on the screen.
"Pssh. I only watched it 78 times but who's counting?"
I looked at him weird,
"My fans give me the weirdest just happened to be the Sing-a-long Extended Edition and I get bored when I'm not filming."
"Suuure, Norm." I patted his shoulder before getting up,
"You want more popcorn?"
"Yeah, sounds good. I'm gonna look for another movie to watch."
"Okay, Daddddeyyaaauhhh-Daddy-O. Daddy-O!" I winked at him awkwardly before hurrying into the kitchen, leaving Norman with a crazed look on his face.
I breathed out a breath of air, leaning on the counter and rubbing my temples. Okay, just keep playing through the night and he'll forget all about this.
"Babe, did you find a movie?"
I grabbed the bag of popped popcorn from the microwave and poured it in the bowl before heading back to the living room,
"Norman?--" I stopped dead in my tracks as I saw Norman staring at my laptop screen filled with DDLG content. My heart skipped a couple beats before it started to pound hard against my chest.
"Y/N, what is this?" Norman calmly asked, looking at me. I shifted on my feet, before hurrying to grab the laptop from him.
"It's nothing. Just forget it."
Norman held the computer away,
"No, no. You called me Daddy a couple times, you threw a fit when we were picking a movie, and your laptop is filled with this stuff. What's going on?"
I didn't respond to him and I fiddled with my hands in my lap in embarrassment.
"Are you into this stuff? DDLG? Isn't that Daddy Dom Little Girl?"
"Have you always been into this?"
I nodded slowly,
"How come you never told me about this?"
I sighed deeply, closing my eyes
"I didn't want you to think it was weird or anything. It's not something you see in an everyday relationship..."
Norman lifted my chin so I was looking at him again,
"No matter what you're into, I still love you, no less. If it's what you're into, Im willing to learn the ropes to this."
"Are you sure? You're not just saying that?"
"Of course, baby." he smiled and pulled me into his lap, kissing my cheek. "I love you."
"I love you too, Norm." I smiled and leaned in, kissing his lips. One of the things I loved about Norman was that he was so understanding about anything and open to trying new things.
"You know, I wasn't lying when I said I kinda liked the whole 'Daddy' thing." Norman winked, making me giggle,
"We'll get used to it."
"I also can't wait to try this out."

I blushed a deep red and bit my lip, looking away from him

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I blushed a deep red and bit my lip, looking away from him.
"Are you blushing, princess?"
"Yes.." I admitted embarrassingly, making Norman turn my head back to face him.
"Yes, what?"
"Yes, Daddy."

This imagine was kinda short and I feel like it sucked ass but here you guys go! I've had a fever of 102-103 for the past three days and I haven't really been feeling too good enough to write so I thought I'd finish at least one Imagine until I got better.

I hope you guys enjoyed this imagine!
Please vote, comment, and send in your requests 💞

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