Norman Imagine (pt. 1)

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"I'm gonna miss you." I frowned as Norman packed his final suitcase. He chuckled and turned, enveloping me in a tight hug
"Aw babe, I'll be back in a week tops. We're just recording the mid season finale. I'll call you everyday, okay?" I nodded and he kissed my head. "That's my lovely fiancé." I grinned at the word 'fiance'.
Norman and I have been together for 4 years and he popped the question just 2 months ago. I couldn't wait to marry him. With him filming season 5, being busy with interviews and I've been focused on my own job, we've decided to wait until after they filmed the mid season episode so we had enough time to plan everything. We've been such a happy couple and I'm glad I met him and better yet, have him in my life period.

A honk from below the apartment caused us to break apart and Norman went to the balcony.
"That's my cab.." I sighed and poured a bit as I handed him his suitcase
"I'll be back sooner than you know it, baby." He said and held my by my waist. I nodded sadly and kissed his lips
"I love you, Norm."
"I love you too, darlin'. I gotta go. I'll call ya as soon as I land."
And with that, he left.
I flipped down on my bed and watched tv for about an hour before I suddenly felt sooo hungry. Like I hadn't eaten in months! After maybe an hour of eating alloott of random, unhealthy things, I felt like I needed an actual dinner to eat but I didn't feel like cooking so I grabbed my phone from my purse and called my mom.

"Mom, have I ever told you how much I loovveee you?" I put on my innocent voice and she sighed
"What do you want, Y/N?"
"How did--"
"You think I don't know my own daughter by now? What is it?"
"I'm here at Norman and I's apartment alone and I was hoping you'd come give me company!" There was a short silence before she gave in
"Alright..give me 10 minutes." She said and we hung up.

Soon, the doorbell rang and I jumped up to open the door, revealing my mother and went to hug her
"Hi Mommy--"
"What was the actual reason you called me, Y/N? Out of all the people to call for company, you call me and that's out of the ordinary so what is it?" She saw right through me and I sighed.
"I'm like completely famished but I'm too lazy to make food and Norman left this morning so I couldn't ask him..will you make me something?" I asked, pulling my puppy dog eyes, knowing she couldn't resist. She rolled her eyes, laughing
"Fine, you brat. What would you like?" She asked placing her bag down.

A couple minutes later, the smell of chicken filled the air, causing my mouth to water.
"It's ready!" My mom called and I raced into the kitchen, nearly tumbling over the stool in the kitchen and sat down at the island, digging in like a wild animal. We talked about random things as we ate until I was just about halfway through my meal, I felt my stomach churn in a terrible way. I slowly stopped chewing and my mom noticed
"Everything alright?"
"Did you cook this all the way?"
"Um, yes? Why?" She asked, confused. I didn't have time to answer because I was soon running into the bathroom and puking my guts out.
Once I was finally finished, my mom came into the bathroom after me
"I'm fine.." I assured her but I wasn't even so sure myself..
"Maybe it was the chicken." I chuckled
"Can you hand me my bag? There's some mouthwash inside."
She nodded and handed me my toiletries bag and I started to rummage through until I spotted my tampons and pads and stopped, staring at them.
"What is it?" My mom asked and I stood then started to pace around the bathroom.
"Hey um, what day is it?"
"The 24th, why?"
My stomach dropped and I ran a hand through my hair, not believing it.
"Y/N will you tell me what's going on?"
"I'm late." I scoffed "my periods late by two weeks.."
My moms eyes went wide and she quickly stood
"W-When was the last time you and Norman-- you know??"
"We had maybe 6 times yesterday because he was leaving today."
My moms eyes went bigger and she smirked
"Oh god, Mom! Stop! This is serious!"
I started to pace some more.
"Sorry..Baby, did you guys use a condom?"
I shook my head frantically and walked in front of the full body mirror, stopping once I saw my small, slightly pudged belly from under my tanktop.
"Oh my god.." I gasped.

Norman Reedus ImaginesOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant