Daryl Imagine

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Summary; Coming from Woodbury, Y/N is a girl who has a tom-boyish style and was very close with Merle before he died..Upon meeting, both Daryl and Y/N have mutual feelings for each other but never act on it or told how they felt. Would a sudden alter in appearance change that?

*Mature content*


"Ya know what this means right?"
Merle asked me as we walked the streets of Woodbury's dying town. I shrugged and looked down at my boots,
"You have to do what you have to do to protect me and Daryl..which means you'll be killed, Merle."
"If it's to protect you both, yes. Y'all are mah only family. Only ones who've done right by me."
I felt a tear roll down my cheek and wiped it away quickly with my long sleeve shirt before Merle lifted my face to look at him,
"No need to cry, little girl. You'll puff up them pretty eyes of yours."
"Shush.." I chuckled before sniffling, "I'm going to miss you, Merle...You are like a brother to me.."
Merle pulled me into a tight hug,
"I'm gonna miss ya too, darlin. Do me a favor will ya?"
I pulled away, waiting for his answer
"Fight. You do what you have to to survive. Stay alive for me, okay?"
I smiled small and nodded, wiping away another stray tear.
"I promise, Merle."

*5 months later*

It's been a while since the town and I abandoned Woodbury and that piece of shit 'Governor'. Everyone soon came to realize how much of a liar and deceiving son of a bitch he really was. Although the loss of Merle hit me hard, I never forgot his last words and the promise I gave him. I would fight to stay alive no matter what the cost and I did just that especially whenever I went on a run with Glenn and Maggie.

Today was just another regular hot day at the prison. This afternoon was fence duty then I had watch during the night shift since I told Glenn I could take his shift to spend more time with Maggie. I wiped the sweat away from my forehead as I impaled a walker through the head with my machete, blowing a strand of my hair from my face.
"You could always change clothes, Y/N. It's about 110 degrees out here." Sasha said, killing a walker that tried to bite her through the fence and I looked down at my attire,
"I would but I don't have anything else to wear...I mostly have baggy jeans and flannels but they're all dirty. I forgot to do my laundry yesterday. I'll just have to endure it."
Another agonizing two hours in the heat and the walkers seemed to multiply even more. I huffed in exhaustion and sat back on the ground, trying to catch my breath when a shadow towered over me. I held my hand up over the sun from blinding me then felt a bottle being placed into my hand. I looked up in confusion to see Daryl Dixon standing there awkwardly, looking down at me.
"Hey Daryl." I greeted, happily.
"Ya looked hot." He mumbled and  I raised an eyebrow playfully making him clear his throat, blushing,
"I meant you're sweating a lot and I noticed so I brought ya some water."
I unscrewed the cap in lightning speed and down about 3/4 of the bottle before pulling it back and wiped my mouth with my sleeve.
"Thank you, Daryl." I said, smiling and he nodded before turning and walking away. I looked at the bottle and noticed a 'D.D' carved into the leather holder it was in.
"Wait! Your bottle!" I yelled after him but he didn't stop and just kept walking until he walked back to the garden to talk with Rick. I sighed and sat back down, taking another sip from the bottle.
Ever since I met Daryl, it was love at first sight.. Well, considering I saw him for the first time when I was in Woodbury and the Governor forced him and Merle to fight to the death, wasn't the most appropriate time-- I still admired him a lot. Since Merle died, Daryl and I didn't really talk but he would always do small things for me like leaving me an extra squirrel in my cell when I was asleep or making sure I had water and was most protected while going on runs with Glenn and Maggie (even though he'd threaten poor Glenn..).
"He likes you, you know." Sasha sighed happily, sitting beside me. I raised an eyebrow,
"Who, Daryl? I don't think so. I mean yeah he takes care of me sometimes but it's probably just a natural instinct? We are just really good friends."
Who was I kidding? I wanted it to be more than that..
Daryl and I were both adults who could tell each other feelings if we had them for each other but me on the other hand..I don't know. I felt like it would ruin Daryl and I's friendship or weird because Merle and I were so close and Daryl knew that. Our friendship wasn't too weird though, there were times where I saw him give a small smile and chuckle a little when we talked but nothing bigger than that. I didn't think he likes me either because I looked so much like a tomboy with the baggy clothes I wore..I could understand that as well.
"Whatever you say, Y/N. I'm just saying; if you know Daryl Dixon..he's anything but like this with anyone else."
I chuckled,
"Whatever. Let's finish this shit. I'm dying for a shower. Hopefully I can find clothes that won't have me melting in this heat!"

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